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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
3099 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 TissueDB Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

IEC61850.Tissue #1756 Event driven schedules – Extend description 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
6803 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-6

In part 6, the reference of "pure client" LN by LNodes is not clear. 09/24/2024 08:14 AM Actions
5955 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement EDF Resolved Normal Indicate typical SIUnit for every DO with CDC MV would help users + Add a dedicated attribute in NSD files instead of having it in the description ? 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
633 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 ZIV Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-4

Initial values of paramRev and valRev 11/21/2023 09:09 AM Actions
625 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 22 RTE Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

LN RADR evolution 12/05/2023 08:31 AM Actions
5330 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement SCL IOP 2021 Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-90-30

LNode iedName attribute usage needs to be clarified 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
610 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 2 RTE Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-6

Mapping of another phases system description to the generic phases phsA, phsB, phsC 05/09/2023 09:32 AM Actions
7092 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal


Missing DO in LN PSCH 01/14/2025 08:32 AM Actions
3098 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 WG17 In Progress Normal Need to Change 8-1 to allow multiple DOs to be written 03/29/2022 09:36 AM Actions
5876 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement FNN Germany Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4 Ed.3

Proposal of a new LN class ASWI 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
667 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 4 WG10 Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

Report of current active setting group 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
6370 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal SBOns to be deprecated in future. 06/20/2023 09:39 AM Actions
5322 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 2 WG17 Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4,7-5

Schedules - add optional data objects to support irregular interval schedules 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
5321 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 WG17 Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4,7-5

Schedules - allow 3 values per time point 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
5323 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 3 WG17 Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-4,7-5

Schedules - allow updates to single values while schedules are running 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
5970 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 2022 f2F IOP In Progress Normal

IEC 61850-6

SCT behavior needs to be specified regarding mismatch between substation section and IED section 11/08/2022 08:24 AM Actions
5372 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement RTE Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-1

Simultaneous change of InRef.setSrcRef and InRef.setSrcCB for dynamic commutation 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
629 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 35 RTE Resolved Normal

IEC TR 61850-90-29

TCTR and TVTR new DO to identify physical terminal allocation in the IED 01/16/2024 08:11 AM Actions
605 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 4 H30 In Progress Normal

IEC 61850-10-3

Test and Simulation mode questions 06/21/2022 02:09 AM Actions
6248 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement EDF Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-6

There are controls between IEDs for automatic control functions, we need to be able to represent those controls in SCL (for configuration in SCT, data flow documentation...) 06/14/2023 08:33 AM Actions
7080 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement TF OCL New Normal When an exchange is defined between 2 IEDs, check that they are connected on the same Subnetwork (at the AccessPoint level) 12/16/2024 03:38 AM Actions
630 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 43 RTE Resolved Normal

IEC 61850-7-500

XCBR LN new DO to describe withdrawable circuit breaker 05/09/2023 09:32 AM Actions
6816 Client Issues Rejected Normal cBr31 is mandatory but for not applicable "small" client controllers 07/23/2024 08:51 AM Actions
6793 Client Issues Resolved Normal cCnf13 the ICT tool shall refuse the configuration 05/28/2024 09:04 AM Actions
6727 Client Issues Resolved Normal cDsN1bc, cFtN2 have no non-Ed2 specific error code 04/02/2024 08:42 AM Actions
7130 Client Issues New Low Certificate template issues 02/11/2025 08:18 AM Actions
7029 Client Issues Resolved Normal cFtN3 step 2: SetFile has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 09:03 AM Actions
6172 Client Issues Resolved Normal client check bits must be tested 12/13/2022 08:34 AM Actions
6902 Client Issues Resolved Normal cLogN5 has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 08:51 AM Actions
6655 Client Issues Resolved Normal cLogN5 is missing in table A4.2 and certificate template 01/09/2024 08:28 AM Actions
6776 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSBOns4 requires different control value 05/28/2024 08:07 AM Actions
6728 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSg13 refers to PIXIT entry Sg5/Sg6 but not clarified in the expected result 05/28/2024 08:17 AM Actions
6464 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSrv5 change the condition to GetDataValues or Reporting 07/11/2023 08:38 AM Actions
6463 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSrv7, cSvrN3 some clients only read DA (not DO) 07/25/2023 08:07 AM Actions
6688 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSrvN10 - Ed1 specific error codes do not exist for MMS GetNameList 04/02/2024 08:42 AM Actions
6792 Client Issues Resolved High Discrepancies between certificate tables and testprocedures - client testprocedure 06/11/2024 08:06 AM Actions
3115 Client Issues Resolved Normal Forward compatibility to Amd1 server with pre-assigned URCB/BRCB 06/14/2022 08:35 AM Actions
6724 Client Issues Resolved Normal GOOSE Subscriber sGos12 test expects DUT to _send_ a GOOSE message 08/06/2024 08:49 AM Actions
636 Client Issues Resolved High Mandate RCB reservation for Ed2.0 client and Amd1 server 04/20/2021 02:23 PM Actions
5327 Client Issues Resolved Normal PIXIT - add processing/mapping of quality bits 06/28/2022 09:44 AM Actions
6777 Client Issues Resolved Normal SCD import and Tool Functionality test procedures 05/28/2024 08:05 AM Actions
6471 Client Issues Resolved Normal Select.response+ (Tissue 1753) 08/22/2023 08:10 AM Actions
6654 Client Issues Resolved Normal Tracking numbering mismatch Ed2 <> Ed2.1 01/09/2024 08:27 AM Actions
7010 Client Issues Resolved Low UCA logo is missing on the certificate template of the goose performance 10/29/2024 09:02 AM Actions
6490 Client Issues Resolved Normal UCAiug requires Ed2Amd1 Jan 2024 - expect testlabs/toolvendors need more time 08/22/2023 08:16 AM Actions
6875 Client Issues Resolved Normal Update Client certificate template following the server certificate template 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
658 Client Issues Resolved Normal Verify Client does process a report before RptEna write respond+ 06/01/2021 08:23 AM Actions
6685 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Normal Device need to be certified for Ed2.1 server first 06/11/2024 08:28 AM Actions
6488 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Low Incorrect reference 09/05/2023 08:08 AM Actions
6489 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Normal Reducing the needed resources for time correlated subscribed GOOSE not used for ping-pong 01/23/2024 08:05 AM Actions
(101-150/2288) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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