Issues #6728
cSg13 refers to PIXIT entry Sg5/Sg6 but not clarified in the expected result
The expected result requires the client to read the SGCB.resvTms but that is optional according to PIXIT Sg6! The PIXIT entry Sg6 has no Edition indication. So when PIXIT says No the client will fail the expected result.
Propose: update the expected result to allow PIXIT Sg6=No behavior. Update the PIXIT Entry Sg6 edition.
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG 11 months ago
- Due date set to 04/16/2024
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Richard Schimmel
Update the PIXIT Entry Sg6 edition to show Ed1 only, remove PIXIT Sg6 reference in Ed2, 2.1 test procedures.
Richard to submit proposal.
Updated by Ursula Kramarczyk 11 months ago
I agree that current text in PIXIT entry Sg6 is Ed1 only. The SGCB attribute resvTms is optional for server, but client supporting Setting Groups (PICS), thus GetSGCBValues service (-8-1: "is a specialization of the GetDataValues service"), must be able to process this attribute. Thus, only client Ed.1 is allowed to not be able to read the value of SGCB.ResvTms attribute.
But I disagree that cSg13 and/or cSg14 are mandatory. Neither in -7-2, nor -8-1, there is a statement that client shall evaluate ResvTms (or EditSG) attribute prior to SelectEditSG. The -7-2 defines that client shall issue the SelectEditSG, and gets (or not) the SGCB reserved. The server checks if SGCB is currently reserved (or not) by another client and shall respond SelectEditSG positive/negative accordingly. The SGCB reservation process does not involve GetSGCBValues service.
Solution proposal: update the PIXIT Entry Sg6 from "Does the client read the optional ResvTms value?" to "Does the client evaluate the EditSG and/or optional ResvTms value prior SelectEditSG?"
But even then, a client evaluating only EditSG will ever fail expected result of cSg13, as the test description is that as well EditSG > 0 as ResvTms > 0. And EditSG > 0 (alone) is tested in cSg14. Thus, both test cases are testing an optional, same behavior based on EditSG.
Updated by Richard Schimmel 10 months ago
- File Solution to redmine 6728 cSg13.docx Solution to redmine 6728 cSg13.docx added
- Initial Test Document set to Client Ed2.1 TP1.0
solution attached.