Issues #5327
PIXIT - add processing/mapping of quality bits
Due date:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Clause Reference:
61850 Standard:
Triggering Tissue:
Final Decision:
Initial Test Document:
Updated Test Document:
Test Case ID:
cSrvN5, cSub2
Closed Reason:
--Not Set---
Triggering Tissue 2:
Triggering Tissue 3:
In many client systems the data from the 61850 servers are stored in a local database. This database also stores quality information. Typically not all (detailed) quality bits are processed/mapped. Test labs need to know which quality bits are processed/mapped and how. I propose to add this information into the PIXIT
Updated by Richard Schimmel almost 3 years ago
- File ED2_Client_MICS_template (extract from TPCL, with quality mapping).docx ED2_Client_MICS_template (extract from TPCL, with quality mapping).docx added
- Status changed from New to In Progress
See attached PIXIT template - it contains a table with: IEC 61850 quality <> Client quality
Updated by Bruce Muschlitz over 2 years ago
- File ED2_Client_MICS_template (extract from TPCL, with quality mapping)_TPWG_Reviewed_20220628.docx ED2_Client_MICS_template (extract from TPCL, with quality mapping)_TPWG_Reviewed_20220628.docx added
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
- Initial Test Document changed from Ed2 TP1.2 to Ed2.1_Rev1.0
- Test Case ID set to cSrvN5, cSub2
TPWG accepts new MICS entries for Client related to mapping of the quality bits.
However, quality.process will not be mapped because this is the value when substituted is false