Issues #6688
cSrvN10 - Ed1 specific error codes do not exist for MMS GetNameList
Due date:
04/02/2024 (about 9 months late)
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61850 Standard:
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--Not Set---
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Ed2.1 clients shall be backwards compatible with Ed1 devices. Ed1 allows for several MMS services specific error codes which are not-allowed anymore in Ed2. So it does make sense to test those Ed1 specific errors. However for MMS GetNameList Ed1 has the exact same error codes as in Ed2/Ed2.1. As such it's not possible to perform the test as described in cSrvN10. We could test all kind of error codes but there should be a good reason to do so. I don't see such reason for sSrvN10
My proposal is to deprecated cSrvN10 (and other GetNameList test cases requiring Ed1 specific error codes).
Related issues
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG 10 months ago
- Due date set to 04/02/2024
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Richard Schimmel
Accepted. There are no ed1 specific error codes for this test.
Updated by Richard Schimmel 10 months ago
- Related to Issues #6727: cDsN1bc, cFtN2 have no non-Ed2 specific error code added
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG 9 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Accepted. Tp to be deprecated.