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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
7074 Server Issues Resolved Normal Update chapter 1.1 identifications table to have SCT simulator information 01/21/2025 08:14 AM Actions
7073 Server Issues Resolved Normal Reference to SICS I211 01/21/2025 08:30 AM Actions
7060 Server Issues Rejected Normal change subscribe to SPC to subscribe to SPS in test case sGos21 sGos22 01/21/2025 08:25 AM Actions
7059 Server Issues Resolved Low typo in test case sGos22 comment 01/21/2025 08:26 AM Actions
7052 Server Issues Resolved Low Typos in server PIXIT As5 and As6 01/21/2025 08:29 AM Actions
7029 Client Issues Resolved Normal cFtN3 step 2: SetFile has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 09:03 AM Actions
7028 Server Issues Resolved Normal There is no conformance procedure/block for TimeOperated Control 11/12/2024 09:16 AM Actions
7010 Client Issues Resolved Low UCA logo is missing on the certificate template of the goose performance 10/29/2024 09:02 AM Actions
7008 Server Issues Rejected Normal Proposal to change Mandatory test items related to compatibility to Conditional 10/01/2024 08:19 AM Actions
6991 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf75 not all devices have control objects 11/12/2024 08:08 AM Actions
6990 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp9 step 4 PTP class not 6/7 with/without holdover time? 12/10/2024 08:26 AM Actions
6989 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp14 for Backwards the max MSVID is 34 char not 32 10/29/2024 08:56 AM Actions
6988 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl16 in TP1.3 is in conflict with 7-4 Table B.1 01/07/2025 08:11 AM Actions
6905 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSBOes8 why is time validated for Cancel but not for the Operate 10/29/2024 08:55 AM Actions
6904 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl14 in TP1.3 does not reflect the Issue #6214 resolution 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
6903 Server Issues Resolved Normal sGos20 requires the ICT to accept invalid SCD files due to FC out of tFCEnum 10/29/2024 08:52 AM Actions
6902 Client Issues Resolved Normal cLogN5 has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 08:51 AM Actions
6897 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf7, sCnf66 services can be defined on IED and AccessPoint when identical 11/12/2024 08:31 AM Actions
6896 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSrv17 remove FC=EX not applicable for SetDataValues 10/29/2024 08:46 AM Actions
6886 Server Issues In Progress Normal Tissue 1897 Data-change and data-update inclusion bitstring bits set in a report 01/21/2025 08:49 AM Actions
6881 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tDfe6b the SCT is not allowed to create new bindings 10/29/2024 08:43 AM Actions
6875 Client Issues Resolved Normal Update Client certificate template following the server certificate template 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
6835 Test Procedure Issues Issues In Progress Normal Impact of publication of IEC 61850-6 Edition 2.2 on Edition 2.1 certification of Server/Client and Tools 01/07/2025 08:15 AM Actions
6830 Server Issues Resolved Normal Testing max number of persistent and non-persistent datasets 08/06/2024 08:11 AM Actions
6823 Server Issues Resolved Normal sAss4 - Step 2 indicates two different situations with localDetailCalling 08/06/2024 08:15 AM Actions
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