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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
7059 Server Issues Resolved Low typo in test case sGos22 comment 01/21/2025 08:26 AM Actions
7052 Server Issues Resolved Low Typos in server PIXIT As5 and As6 01/21/2025 08:29 AM Actions
7010 Client Issues Resolved Low UCA logo is missing on the certificate template of the goose performance 10/29/2024 09:02 AM Actions
6711 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 WG10 Fall workshop In Progress Low SCL Modelling of Fault Measurements (RFMX) 02/29/2024 08:33 AM Actions
6488 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Low Incorrect reference 09/05/2023 08:08 AM Actions
6447 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low Enhanced Quality Information for Measurements (accuracy classes, update periods, filter applied, algorithm applied, etc.) 02/08/2024 03:16 AM Actions
6446 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low

TR IEC 61850-7-500

SCL Modelling of Fault Measurements (RFMX) 02/08/2024 02:12 AM Actions
6436 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low

TR IEC 61850-10-3

SCL Modelling of the Test Equipment 02/08/2024 02:36 AM Actions
6435 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low

IEC 61850-9-2

Compression of Sample Value Messages 02/08/2024 05:36 AM Actions
6433 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low SCL Extensions (partial configuration updates in a top-down approach, mixed editions with private CDCs, etc.) 02/08/2024 03:03 AM Actions
6430 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low

IEC 61850-6

Management of SCL File Sizes (Compression Techniques, Handling of Privates) 02/08/2024 03:17 AM Actions
6413 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low

IEC 61850-80-7

Asset Management of Setting & Configuration Data 02/08/2024 05:32 AM Actions
6178 Market Operations CIM Issues Open Low Relation between ResourcePerformanceEvaluation and ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor contains a typo at the source side (role) of the association. 09/20/2024 10:18 AM Actions
5973 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low CIM-61850 Harmonization - consider Measurement classes with multiple values (vector, Wye ...) 09/16/2024 02:56 PM Actions
5971 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low CIM-61850 Harmonization - Consider modelling fans, pump motors and battery systems as types of auxiliary equipment 09/30/2024 06:22 PM Actions
5816 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the MktActivityRecord class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:40 AM Actions
5815 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the TimeSeries class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:40 AM Actions
5814 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the MarketDocument class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5813 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Add attribute type (string) in the BusinessSector class to tell the specific Businss sector [required]. 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5812 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Add a new BusinessSector class in the MarketManagement package. 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5365 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues Open Low

All WG13 and WG14 stds

Version control in XSDs 02/13/2023 11:51 AM Actions
5313 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Better description for governorSCD 09/19/2024 03:33 PM Actions
5268 WG14 Part 6 Issues CIM Issues Rejected Low


Add rank as attribute to WorkOrder 10/17/2023 03:21 AM Actions
5218 WG14 Part 4 Issues CIM Issues Review Low Deprecate AssetOrganisationRole 07/03/2023 09:25 AM Actions
5216 WG14 Part 4 Issues CIM Issues Review Low Add kindOther to Asset 07/03/2023 09:48 AM Actions
5062 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low DC auxiliary equipment support 09/19/2024 11:40 AM Actions
4946 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low HydroPowerPlant inherit PSR There is Plant class that inher 09/14/2021 03:47 PM Actions
654 Server Issues Rejected Low Publish/subscribe minimum length data GOOSE 01/24/2023 09:02 AM Actions
653 Server Issues Rejected Low Subscriber can use maximum number of dataset elements 01/24/2023 09:03 AM Actions
651 Server Issues Rejected Low Verify subscriber can accept maximum size GOOSE 01/24/2023 08:40 AM Actions
7127 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IES-311 Feeder Relay 02/09/2025 09:47 AM Actions
7126 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature IEEE P13 New Normal Sequence-Of-Event record being overflowed if binary points “chatter” 02/07/2025 03:37 AM Actions
7125 Server Issues New Normal sCnf test procedures are not listed on certificates 02/07/2025 03:24 AM Actions
7124 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Rename SCADA package as Communications package 02/06/2025 09:09 AM Actions
7123 Server Issues New Normal sSvs12 according to PIXIT-Svs4 verifying ConfRev is optional 02/05/2025 06:52 AM Actions
7122 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Explicit statement of sign conventions is needed throughout applicable attributes 02/03/2025 09:55 AM Actions
7120 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IEC-61850 COMPATIBLE ANNUNCIATOR 02/01/2025 08:23 AM Actions
7119 CIM Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Model energy resource capabilities for Grid and Market resources 01/30/2025 03:36 AM Actions
7117 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal


Relax cardinality requirement of VoltageCompensatorDynamics model for every instance of an ExcitationSystemDynamics model. 01/23/2025 02:45 PM Actions
7116 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues On Hold Normal Pre-defined Publishing Schedule to Deal with Quality of Data 02/05/2025 03:08 PM Actions
7115 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues On Hold Normal Add Topology and Connectivity Information 02/05/2025 03:09 PM Actions
7114 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues Resolved Normal DC Measurement to All Reading Profiles 02/05/2025 03:07 PM Actions
7113 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues Resolved Normal New Environmental Reading or Environment Module 01/27/2025 03:21 PM Actions
7112 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues Resolved Normal Extend Status Profile and Event Profile to include Alrm: AlrmKind[0..1] 02/05/2025 03:07 PM Actions
7111 OpenFMB DataModel OpenFMBIssues Accepted Normal Extend OpenFMB for Distributed FLISR use case 01/22/2025 02:36 PM Actions
7109 OpenFMB General OpenFMBIssues Accepted Normal BOX Folder Structure and Documents Migration 01/22/2025 02:31 PM Actions
7107 OpenFMB General OpenFMBIssues In Progress Normal Setup and manage the version control on GitHub 01/22/2025 02:08 PM Actions
7106 OpenFMB General OpenFMBIssues In Progress Normal Setup Sprax EA Cloud Service for OpenFMB data model 01/22/2025 02:07 PM Actions
7101 Server Issues New Normal sLog13 is LCB.LogRef always writable (SCL Services LogSettings has no attribute for LogRef) 01/22/2025 12:47 AM Actions
7100 Server Issues In Progress Normal Tissue 1934 Subscriber with beh=on receives GOOSE with q.test=true, then subscriber changes to test mode. 01/21/2025 08:37 AM Actions
(1-50/2285) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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