WG10 Future Work #6447
Enhanced Quality Information for Measurements (accuracy classes, update periods, filter applied, algorithm applied, etc.)
Low Priority NWIP/PWI (Future Worksplan)
Link to Collaboration tool discussion:
Proposal descriptions
NWIP to investigate (new TF may be formed).
Tom Berry will present this issue to CIM group and report back.
Updated by Vladan Cvejic 11 months ago
- Proposal descriptions updated (diff)
- Target edition changed from Not assigned to Future
Updated by Tom Berry 11 months ago
Original description:
Advanced analytics are using measurements from various sources. In order to be able to judge better the quality of information we might need to think about an extension of quality information like accuracy classes, update periods, filter applied, algorithm applied, ...). This would enable a much better level of trust of analytic results.
Updated by Tom Berry 11 months ago
The issue title is perhaps misleading in referring to “quality information”
It is using quality in its widest sense, not the narrow sense of quality flags.
As-is situation
Statistical LNs like MMXU already have data objects for update periods and algorithms (RMS, AVERAGE, ...).
Sensor LNs like TVTR, TCTR have accuracy classes as enumerated character codes
The CIM has this attribute for measurement values, which can be used by state estimators to calculate an initial weighting.
The limit, expressed as a percentage of the sensor maximum, that errors will not exceed when the sensor is used under reference conditions.
This means it is equivalent to an attribute of an MV, but derived from sensor information in TVTR, TCTR (or other)
Updated by Tom Berry 11 months ago
Related editorial issue for Part 7-4
InstrumentTransformerMeasurementRatingKind enumeration
InstrumentTransformerProtectionRatingKind enumeration
The individual enumeration character codes have no descriptions
There is only a general description
"Accuracy class rating in the format described in IEC 61869-9:2016, Subclause 5.6."