


CIM Issues #5971

CIM-61850 Harmonization - Consider modelling fans, pump motors and battery systems as types of auxiliary equipment

Added by Tom Berry about 2 years ago. Updated 23 days ago.

Author/Contact Info:
Tom Berry
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Tom Berry
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IEC TS 62361-102 Recommendation R5:

Recommendation R5: The business needs for modelling fans, motors and battery systems and similar types of auxiliary equipment in control centre applications should be considered.


The IEC 61850 SCL allows fans, motors and battery systems to be defined either as types of general equipment or as types of conducting equipment.
When defined as conducting equipment they will have terminals to allow modelling of their electrical supplies.
There is no corresponding CIM class for these types of equipment within the connectivity model except the generic EnergyConsumer class.

Auxiliary equipment may be relevant for asset management purposes.
Equipment such as filters and pumps may be monitored by a central SCADA or asset management system.
Their status may be useful for assessing operational limits of power transformers or generation prime movers.


Proposed Solution

Auxiliary equipment may be relevant for asset management purposes.
Equipment such as fans and pumps may be monitored by a central SCADA or asset management system.
Their status may be useful for assessing operational limits of power transformers or generation prime movers.


20-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meetings:

Reviewed. Proposal was agreeable to the group. Next step is for Tom to draft a simple proposal in UML with descriptions that can be added to the model. We've agreed to review in a TF13 weekly call and once approved will add to CIM18.


Updated by Tom Berry about 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from CIM-61850 Harmonization R5 Consider modelling fans, pump motors and battery systems as types of auxiliary equipment to CIM-61850 Harmonization - Consider modelling fans, pump motors and battery systems as types of auxiliary equipment

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Todd Viegut about 1 month ago

  • Proposed Solution updated (diff)
  • Decision updated (diff)

Updated by Tom Berry 23 days ago

See diagram in attached proposal

This part of the CIM models auxiliary loads such as the embedded motors of fans and pumps as part of the connectivity model. The operational status may be reported by real time data acquisition and included within topology and power flow analyses.

Cooling fans and pumps may be associated with primary power system equipment such as power transformers. The operational state of fans and pumps may affect the operational limits of the related primary power system equipment. These associations and dependencies are not part of the standard model.

AuxiliaryLoad Fans, pumps and other electrically powered equipment. Typically with one terminal.
Fan Machine designed to increase the pressure or kinetic energy of cooling air for a motor, transformer, etc. IEV 811-22-01
Pump Machine for moving liquids. For example for transformers, a component that circulates insulating liquid through the cooling system and the transformer.
Motor A machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. IEV 411-33-01
AuxiliarySupply Auxiliary power supply, e.g. for protection and automation equipment. Often including a backup battery and charger system.

Note: Motor is a simpler, non-regulating representation of RotatingMachine

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