CIM Issues #4802
Alternate modelsIssue from Jim Waight about EMS model and
Alternate models
Issue from Jim Waight about EMS model and planning model having different levels of detail. This can be along voltage level or some other means. There might also be similar issues on difference between SCADA and nework analysis in the EMS model. Similar issue on dynamics analysis (often further reduced) and the steady state network analysis models.
CALISO has two models - concept of model type - multi model maintenance tool. There was paper presented at IEEE last year
Proposed Solution
Does a single exchange need to provide multiple views.
Review CALISO solution.
Requirement not clear right now. Make use case more clear. IEEE paper need circulation and to be reviewed.
This is a complex and unclear issue. The ENTSO-E DACF data exchange touches on the same problem with model boundaries. This need an own project for its solution where the use case is first elaborated.
Close this issue - Oslo 15 June 2023.
(2014-06-10 WG13/14 meeting)
This is in process of being worked out by addressing with "frames" model.
Release Notes
Based on the last comment the issue is closed. There is no impact on the UML. The issue is by current modeling approaches using Frames, Boundaries and the understanding that a foundational capability of grid model management tools is the creation of planning models from detailed master models
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Alternate models Issue from Jim Waight about EMS model and to Alternate modelsIssue from Jim Waight about EMS model and
- Status changed from Open to Review
- Proposed Solution updated (diff)
- Decision updated (diff)
Propose to close the issue as it is not concrete enough. We have general directions to support alternative models.
Updated by Pat Brown over 1 year ago
- Proposed Solution updated (diff)
Oslo - 15 June 2023 - Agree with notes above - Is covered by current modeling approaches using Frames, Boundaries and the understanding that a foundational capability of grid model management tools is the creation of planning models from detailed master models. Issue should be closed.
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov 6 months ago
- Status changed from Review to Closed
- Completion Date set to 09/08/2024
- Release Notes updated (diff)