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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6751 IEC 61850 TPWG Issues Resolved Normal Update IEC 61850 QAP Addendum for adding requirement quickly 04/16/2024 08:16 AM Actions
6881 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tDfe6b the SCT is not allowed to create new bindings 10/29/2024 08:43 AM Actions
6631 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tTf1 (mustUnderstand) for the ICT test needs clarification 01/09/2024 08:59 AM Actions
6617 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tIieN1 - can a popup warning be considered as 'not allowed' 01/07/2025 08:25 AM Actions
6520 SCL Tooling Issues Rejected Normal ICT Ed2.1 refers to TICS but there no part 6 tissues 10/31/2023 08:35 AM Actions
6327 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tTf2 - export CID file only for Ed2.1? 05/16/2023 08:20 AM Actions
6326 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tIie1 - remove step 10-14 to undo previous changes 05/16/2023 08:09 AM Actions
6325 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal PIXIT missing entries on tIie1 "when supported" 05/16/2023 08:04 AM Actions
6324 SCL Tooling Issues Rejected Normal sCnf6 - not all extRef require intAddr not referring to external device 05/16/2023 08:44 AM Actions
6323 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tTtf5 IED name=None is not allowed tissue #1365 05/02/2023 08:20 AM Actions
6200 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tTf1 change Ed2/2007B to Ed2.1/2007B4 01/24/2023 08:33 AM Actions
5926 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal Review ICT TP 11/29/2022 07:23 AM Actions
5120 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal LGOS/LSVS reference with functional naming (SCL) 08/09/2022 08:40 AM Actions
7128 Server Issues New Normal Reconfiguration of aLGOS / LSVS prefix insitance number in SCT test is missing 02/10/2025 01:14 AM Actions
7125 Server Issues New Normal sCnf test procedures are not listed on certificates 02/07/2025 03:24 AM Actions
7123 Server Issues New Normal sSvs12 according to PIXIT-Svs4 verifying ConfRev is optional 02/05/2025 06:52 AM Actions
7101 Server Issues New Normal sLog13 is LCB.LogRef always writable (SCL Services LogSettings has no attribute for LogRef) 01/22/2025 12:47 AM Actions
7100 Server Issues In Progress Normal Tissue 1934 Subscriber with beh=on receives GOOSE with q.test=true, then subscriber changes to test mode. 01/21/2025 08:37 AM Actions
7097 Server Issues Resolved Normal Step number error in expected result of sGos6b in Rev1.3 test procedure 01/21/2025 08:08 AM Actions
7091 Server Issues Rejected Normal sSrv17 - New value should be different from the previous one and not from the SCL value. Test case will not work twice with SPG setpoints. 01/21/2025 08:06 AM Actions
7089 Server Issues Resolved Normal sMdl4, sMdl6 and sMdl15 not possible for SV only device 01/21/2025 08:06 AM Actions
7084 Server Issues Resolved Normal sTmP5 clarify the format of LTMS.TmsSrc = GMCID 01/07/2025 08:50 AM Actions
7083 Server Issues Resolved Normal sLog6 to sLog9 too many steps in one detailed test procedure 01/21/2025 08:09 AM Actions
7082 Server Issues Rejected Normal sCnf121 requires to use lnNs for the 61869-9 extensions 01/07/2025 08:59 AM Actions
7074 Server Issues Resolved Normal Update chapter 1.1 identifications table to have SCT simulator information 01/21/2025 08:14 AM Actions
(2101-2125/2288) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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