

Thierry Dufaure


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 1 3
Reported issues 4 5 9


Project Roles Registered on
61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 Developer 02/29/2024
IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Developer, Reporter 09/24/2024
Test Procedure Issues IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 09/10/2021
Client IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/16/2021
GOOSE Performance IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/16/2021
SCL Tooling IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/16/2021
Server IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/16/2021



01:14 AM Server Issues #7128 (In Progress): Reconfiguration of a LGOS / LSVS prefix instance number in SCT test is missing
During InteropTest, it was observed that -
1) ICT creates supoervision LN to ...
Thierry Dufaure


12:47 AM Server Issues #7101: sLog13 is LCB.LogRef always writable (SCL Services LogSettings has no attribute for LogRef)
The proposed approach to
1) long term add an service capability for logRef in LogSettings,
2) short term to allow...
Thierry Dufaure


07:54 AM Server Issues #6886: Tissue 1897 Data-change and data-update inclusion bitstring bits set in a report
Is sMdl18 verifying that only dchg="true" or dupd="true" are mutually exclusiv in the (DataTypeTemplate) DA declaration? Thierry Dufaure
05:52 AM Server Issues #7060: change subscribe to SPC to subscribe to SPS in test case sGos21 sGos22
How can a device not support SPC subscription. SPC subscription = boolean subscription.
I think that Ed2.1 device su...
Thierry Dufaure


04:45 AM Test Procedure Issues Issues #6835: Impact of publication of IEC 61850-6 Edition 2.2 on Edition 2.1 certification of Server/Client and Tools
See attached recommendations from WG10 Meeting in Nanjing. Thierry Dufaure


03:30 AM IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug #7001: Presence condition of DO in statistic Logical Nodes
See discussion in #7017 Thierry Dufaure


09:05 AM IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug #7001: Presence condition of DO in statistic Logical Nodes
jCleanCim has been updated to deal with ds presence condition. The strategy so far was to declare an "O" presence con... Thierry Dufaure


01:58 AM Test Procedure Issues Issues #6835 (In Progress): Impact of publication of IEC 61850-6 Edition 2.2 on Edition 2.1 certification of Server/Client and Tools
With the release of IEC 61850-6 Ed2.2,
What does change for the Ed2.1 Certificate of
- Server
- Client
What d...
Thierry Dufaure


10:10 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #6832 (New): CPOW interface with CSWI and XCBR needs to be revise.
During the discussion related to phase discrepancy, we have identified that 7-500 clause 15.2 needs to be revise to e... Thierry Dufaure


02:48 AM Server Issues #6697: sRpN9 does not specify the expected access error by negative response on SetURCBValues
"temporarily unavailable" or "object access denied" is typically the options that we are allowing in such case. Thierry Dufaure

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