Issues #7101
sLog13 is LCB.LogRef always writable (SCL Services LogSettings has no attribute for LogRef)
The SCL Services LogSettings do have dyn/conf/fix attributes for LCB.datSet-logEna - trgOps - intgPd. but not for LogRef !
The sLog13 requires to check if LCB.LogRef is writable or not. Part 8-1 table 75 indicates the MMS LCB.LogRef is "r/w".
It seems an SCL attribute is missing. We need clarification
Some proposals:
1) long term: add an SCL entry LogSetting logRef
2) short term: add an PIXIT entry to indicate logRef is writable or not
3) change logRef to readonly?
Updated by Thierry Dufaure 29 days ago
The proposed approach to
1) long term add an service capability for logRef in LogSettings,
2) short term to allow restriction via PIXIT
is meaningful.
The 3) is too restrictive, because for instance LogControlBlock could be instantiated uncofigured for a later used based on needs, while a fix, conf, dyn option offered long term by 1) and short term by 2) would leave enough flexibility.
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG 1 day ago
- Due date set to 03/04/2025
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Richard Schimmel
Accepted. PIXIT entry to be created, TP updated.
TISSUE to be entered by Richard to address the long term solution.