Issues #7125
sCnf test procedures are not listed on certificates
Due date:
03/04/2025 (Due in 11 days)
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Clause Reference:
61850 Standard:
Triggering Tissue:
Final Decision:
Initial Test Document:
Updated Test Document:
Test Case ID:
Closed Reason:
--Not Set---
Triggering Tissue 2:
Triggering Tissue 3:
sCnf and sDoc test procedures are not mentioned in the table ‘Applicable Server Test Procedures from the UCA International Users Group Edition 2 Amendment 1 Server Test Procedures version 1.3’ at the end of the document.
sDoc TP can be considered as passed once PICS/MICS/PIXIT/TICS have been verified.
This is to propose to add the sCnf TP to the a/m table.
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG 3 days ago
- Due date set to 03/04/2025
Accepted. Particular concern to identify ICT Tests on the certificate. Optional/conditional sCnf and sMdl tests should be listed.