

Michael Haecker

  • Login: michael.haecker
  • Registered on: 02/19/2021
  • Last connection: 03/05/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 12 2 14
Reported issues 33 8 41


Project Roles Registered on
61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 Manager 06/14/2023
IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work Manager 10/07/2021
Test Procedure Issues IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 09/10/2021
Client IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/20/2021
GOOSE Performance IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/20/2021
SCL Tooling IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/20/2021
Server IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 02/20/2021



11:30 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7129: Autorecloser sequence is inconsistent
Autoreclosure state machine and associated states
Implementations in existing devices do not perform exac...
Michael Haecker


03:37 AM IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature #7126 (New): Sequence-Of-Event record being overflowed if binary points “chatter”
IEEE P13 “Beginners Guide to 61850” discussed the problem of binary/analog Sequence-Of-Event record being overflowed ... Michael Haecker
03:24 AM Server Issues #7125 (In Progress): sCnf test procedures are not listed on certificates
sCnf and sDoc test procedures are not mentioned in the table ‘Applicable Server Test Procedures from the UCA Internat... Michael Haecker


01:55 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7058 (New): Clarifications about 'PTRC.Op' and 'PTRC.Tr'
IEC 61850-7-4 Ed2.1 Subclause 6.11.1:
« The protection functions provide (if applicable) the data object Op (Op...
Michael Haecker


03:30 AM Server Issues #7052 (Resolved): Typos in server PIXIT As5 and As6
In server PIXIT As5 and As6 the OSI fields 'AP-Title' and 'AP-Qualifier' are written without hyphens. In Rp13 they ar... Michael Haecker


06:18 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7046 (New): Semantic of 'Health'
Define whether 'Health' models the status of hardware and software including the application (input data causing degr... Michael Haecker
06:13 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7045 (New): Position state to be published after expiration of the timeout of the suppression of the intermediate position
IEC/TR 61850-7-5 clause 5.2.3 states that the 'bad' state can be set for 'Pos.stVal' after the expiration of the sup... Michael Haecker
06:06 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7044 (New): Refactoring the setting 'DscDlTmms' in CSWI, XCBR and XSWI
- Deprecate ‘CSWI.DscDlTmms’
- Create a new setting under CSWI LN class with a semantically correct name and descrip...
Michael Haecker
05:59 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #7043 (New): Relevance of 'sboTimeout' and 'operTimeout' towards controls via MMS and controls initiated from GOOSE subscription
Kota Kawasaki's comment "Timeout function at process level”
Define whether 'sboTimeout' and 'operTimeout' are also...
Michael Haecker
05:52 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #6382: Clarification on the ctlModel 1/3
Reference is made to the comment from Kota Kawasaki 2024-10-30
The relevance of 'XCBR.Pos.ctlModel' towards contro...
Michael Haecker

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