CIM Issues #4947
Model Meta Data cleanup and plan [GMDM #17]
Model Meta Data cleanup and plan
Need a plan and clean up of the top level package ModelMetaData.
Pat 2023-05-24: Added information on metadata model used by GMDM to this issue. See attached files.
Proposed Solution
Correct or delete model errors and remove ambiguities.
(2014-02-05 kd) WG13 among other things delete the FullModelElement class and get rid of the multiple inheritance.
PowerSystemProject-DifferenceModel needs to be 0..1 to 0..*.
PowerSystemProjectSchedule needs to be eliminated and attributes moved PowerSystemProject. Also get rid of start and end and "change" to "applied".
More changes still needed to close this.
28-Jun-2023 UCA TF13 Weekly Call:
This is the result of the 2014 IOP. This issue is actually against an older draft standard that was never published. We have decided to close this issue and to create a new JIRA that directly describes the issue in the GMDM context.