CIM Issues #6811
Clean up Equivalent modelling descriptions and classnames
During hybrid meetings in Tokyo on 13-Jun-2024 we reviewed the Equivalent* classes and attributes as it pertains to the 301. We identified deficiencies in the existing modelling and changes from original modelling updates that were done as part of
Proposed Solution
Proposed description changes are outlined here:
CHANGE #1 : Current EquivalentInjection description changes:
FROM: "This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the point of connection. Using EquivalentInjection to model a distribution network equivalent is recommended practice instead of using ExternalNetworkInjection-s if it is not necessary that the equivalent contains detailed information representing a short circuit equivalent according to IEC 60909 which is relevant for short circuit studies."
TO: "This class represents networks that have been equivalized using either the ward or extended ward method. "
Existing class description updates (stated here for informational purposes...will not be changed):
WardEquivelent should be: "A ward equivalent is a combination of an impedance load and a PQ load."
ExtendedWardEquivalent should be: "An extended ward equivalent is a combination of an impedance load, a PQ load and as voltage source with an internal impedance."
CHANGE #2 : ExternalNetworkInjection description changes:
FROM: "This class represents the external network and is used for IEC 60909 calculations. It is only used if EquivalentInjection cannot provide the details required by IEC 60909 on short circuit equivalent of an external network."
TO: ??? This is an open TODO as part of this issue.
CHANGE #3 : Create new UML diagrams in the UML that can be generated as part of the 301. This potentially involves cleanup of existing diagrams (for WardEquivalent & ExtendedWardEquivalent) as well as the requirements to include the electrical diagrams.
Minneapolis meeting - Sep 2024
Richard will upload v3 of the document
AI Chavdar to apply the changes and close the ticket
Release Notes
Changed description of classes according to v3 of the attached document
Changes are applied to:
ExternalNetworkInjection and attributes ikSecond, maxInitialSymShCCurrent, maxQ, maxR0ToX0Ratio, maxR1ToX1Ratio,maxZ0ToZ1Ratio , minInitialSymShCCurrent, minQ, minR0ToX0Ratio, minR1ToX1Ratio, voltageFactor, minZ0ToZ1Ratio
EquivalentInjection and the attributes: maxQ, minQ,
ExtendedWardEquivalent - attributes r, r0, r2, x, x0, x2.
Updated by Richard de Groot 6 months ago
- File ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork.docx ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork.docx added
- proposal for definition of class ExternalNetworkInjection,
- proposals for definition of selected attributes of class ExternalNetworkInjection to correct imprecisions,
- proposal for minor change to definition of EquivalentInjection, to harmonise with ExternalNetworkInjection.
Updated by Richard de Groot 6 months ago
- File ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork_v2.docx ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork_v2.docx added
Request by Martin Miller to expand with references to definitions. And closer study showed previous version was not very good. This one is better.
In response to TODO for CHANGE #2. Attached document provides proposal for:- new definition of class ExternalNetworkInjection,
- corrected and expanded definitions for selected attributes of class ExternalNetworkInjection,
- in spite of CHANGE #1 improvement for definition of EquivalentInjection,
- corrected definitions for selected attributes of class EquivalentInjection.
Updated by Richard de Groot 6 months ago
- File ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork_v3.docx ricgro_UCARedmine6811_EquivalentExternalNetwork_v3.docx added
During hybrid meeting in Minneapolis on 20 September agreed that references to IEC60909-0 for definitions will be including clause number and version. Revised document to V3.
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov 4 months ago
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Solution to be Applied To changed from CIM18 to CIM18v14
- Solution Version set to CIM18v14
- Solution Applied By set to Chavdar Ivanov
- CIM Impacted Groups WG13 added
- CIM Impacted Groups deleted (