CIM Issues #5047
Clarifications on equivalents, e.g., EquivalentInjection, ExternalNetworkInjections and the aggregate attribute
Per CDV country comments CH_86 for 301 Ed7:
Many TSOs use external network injections which can have distant regulation for modelling distribution network, although it is stated that the class is used for IEC 60909 calculations. It is necessary to specify in which use cases it is suggested to use EquivalentInjection and in which cases ExternalNetworkInjection.
Proposed Solution
Update the descriptions to clarify the usage. Perhaps EquivalentInjections should be used for distribution network equivalenting and not ExternalNetworkInjections, but this needs to be clarified.
Clarifications to be applied in CIM18 because there are multiple uses currently in implementations. Must be discussed with distribution experts. The description should go into the 600 specs as well.
Assign to Energy Model Requirements Subgroup
See additional information:
Update: Feb 2023 by Chavdar
452 and 600 use this constraint
• C:452:EQ:EquivalenInjection:instance
Using EquivalentInjection to model a distribution network equivalent is recommended practice instead of using ExternalNetworkInjection-s.
14-Jan-2020 Decision to apply the proposed resolution when revving to CIM18
Release Notes
- Added the following clarification to the EquivalentInjection description
Using EquivalentInjection to model a distribution network equivalent is recommended practice instead of using ExternalNetworkInjection-s if it is not necessary that the equivalent contains detailed information representing a short circuit equivalent according to IEC 60909 which is relevant for short circuit studies.
- Added the following clarification to the ExternalNetworkInjection description
It is only used if EquivalentInjection cannot provide the details required by IEC 60909 on short circuit equivalent of an external network.
- Modeified the following statement in the Equipment.aggregate to include ExternalNetworkInjection. The revised version is:
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt, EquivalentInjection and ExternalNetworkInjection.
- Deleted the folling constraint from 452
• C:452:EQ:EquivalenInjection:instance
Using EquivalentInjection to model a distribution network equivalent is recommended practice instead of using ExternalNetworkInjection-s.
Updated by Eric Stephan over 3 years ago
Updated by Svein Olsen over 3 years ago
Updated by Eric Stephan over 3 years ago
Updated by Yang Feng almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Equivalent CDV CH_86 for 301 Ed7 to Clarifications on equivalents, e.g., EquivalentInjection, ExternalNetworkInjections and the aggregate attribute
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 years ago
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 years ago
- Solution to be Applied To changed from 61970cim18 to CIM18v03
- Solution Version set to CIM18v03
- Solution Applied By set to Chavdar Ivanov
- Completion Date set to 02/11/2023
- Release Notes updated (diff)