


CIM Issues #6807

Add classes for EV, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Charging Station, Charging Park, Charging Zone

Added by Tom Berry 4 months ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

Author/Contact Info:
Tom Berry
Base Release:
Solution to be Applied To:
Solution Version:
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Completion Date:
CIM Keywords:
Breaking Change:
Breaking Change Description:
CIM Impacted Groups:
WG13, WG14, WG21
TC69 JWG15

IEC 61970-301

Originally Closed in Version:
Origination Date:
Origination ID:
Originally Assigned To:


Proposals from IEC TC69 JWG15
Add some classes as a reference model for IEC 63382 Management of Distributed Energy Storage Systems based on Electrically Chargeable Vehicles

These will be referenced by future designs for capabilities and ratings.
See presentation


TC69_JWG15_DataModels_June2024.pptx TC69_JWG15_DataModels_June2024.pptx 1.7 MB Tom Berry, 06/11/2024 05:55 PM
TC69_JWG15_DataModels_June2024_SHO.pptx TC69_JWG15_DataModels_June2024_SHO.pptx 2.07 MB Todd Viegut, 09/20/2024 09:30 AM
GridEdgeDeviceInfo.jpg View GridEdgeDeviceInfo.jpg 176 KB WG14 AssetInfo classes from Scott Alex Anderson, 09/20/2024 09:52 AM
GridEdgeDeviceSettings.jpg View GridEdgeDeviceSettings.jpg 388 KB Dynamics template classes from Scott Alex Anderson, 09/20/2024 09:52 AM

Proposed Solution

Add: ChargingPark as subtype of Customers:ServiceLocation
Add: ChargingZone as an entity contained by a Charging Park
Add: ChargingStation as an entity contained by a Charging Zone
Add: ElectricVehicleSupplyEquipment (EVSE) as an entity contained by a Charging Station and a subtype of PowerElectronicsConnection
Add: ElectricVehicleCapability (EV) as a subtype of PowerElectronicsUnit


Charging Station
physical equipment consisting of one or more EV supply equipment managing the energy transfer to and from EVs. [IEC 63382-1]

Charging Park
geographical area that encloses one or more charging stations with one operator [IEC 63110-1 and ISO 15118]

Charging Zone
Power management concept representing a group of one or more charging stations within a particular charging park (typically with a relationship with the electrical arrangement) [Draft IEC 63110]

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
equipment or a combination of equipment, providing dedicated functions to supply electric energy from a fixed electrical installation or supply network to an EV for the purpose of charging and discharging
[IEC 63110-1]

For CIM: a placeholder for an electrically powered vehicle or boat. In a real time context, the values of the properties will be updated based on the physical EV that is connected. In a planning context, the values of the properties would be estimated.

Electric Vehicle
electrically powered road vehicle in which the energy is supplied from a battery carried on the vehicle.


20-Sep-2024 Joint TF Meetings - Minneapolis:

Tom Berry presented the attached PPT. Svein uploaded a copy (w/SHO suffix) that includes comments from during the presentation. General feedback was positive to the proposal Tom presented (see comments in Svein's attachment for feedback).

How much do we want to include in CIM18?
Action Items:
- Collaborate with Scott Coe to coalesce the work presented by Tom on the operational side of things with the work Scott has done on the Asset side for Markets. Tom will work with Scott on this. When Tom feels
- We identified during the meeting that some modelling (that Alex identified) that was expected to be in the consolidated model is not. This is an issue with the pending merged model not yet produced.
- This require a stable model by end of year.


Updated by Svein Olsen 4 months ago

Svein: I think it would be good to avoid using abbreviation like EVSE and EV. As we are getting different type of electrical mobility equipment, we might not refer to vehicle. In Norway we get more and more ferry. We are in Norway building electrical boat - it would be a bit strange to call them vehicle.
I am not too happy to make specialisation of cim:Location, I prefer that CharingPark, ChargingZone and ChargingStation was incorporated to the new containment model addressing Plan and Facility.


Updated by Tom Berry 4 months ago

  • Proposed Solution updated (diff)

Updated to distinguish an EV placeholder (used in utility studies) vs the physical EV that is plugged in at any one time.


Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Todd Viegut about 1 month ago

  • Decision updated (diff)

Updated by Alex Anderson about 1 month ago

Added proposed diagrams for harmonization

Also available in: Atom PDF