CIM Issues #6807
Updated by Tom Berry 5 months ago
Add: ChargingPark as subtype of Customers:ServiceLocation Add: ChargingZone as an entity contained by a Charging Park Add: ChargingStation as an entity contained by a Charging Zone Add: ElectricVehicleSupplyEquipment (EVSE) EVSE (Electric vehicle supply equipment) as an entity contained by a Charging Station and a subtype of PowerElectronicsConnection Add: ElectricVehicleCapability (EV) EV (Electric vehicle) as a subtype of PowerElectronicsUnit *Definitions* *Charging Station* physical equipment consisting of one or more EV supply equipment managing the energy transfer to and from EVs. [IEC 63382-1] *Charging Park* geographical area that encloses one or more charging stations with one operator [IEC 63110-1 and ISO 15118] *Charging Zone* Power management concept representing a group of one or more charging stations within a particular charging park (typically with a relationship with the electrical arrangement) [Draft IEC 63110] *Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment* *EVSE* equipment or a combination of equipment, providing dedicated functions to supply electric energy from a fixed electrical installation or supply network to an EV for the purpose of charging and discharging [IEC 63110-1] *ElectricVehicleCapability* For CIM: a placeholder for an electrically powered vehicle or boat. In a real time context, the values of the properties will be updated based on the physical EV that is connected. In a planning context, the values of the properties would be estimated. *Electric Vehicle* *EV* electrically powered road vehicle in which the energy is supplied from a battery carried on the vehicle. vehicle