IEC61850-7-5 #6698
Integrate work from AHTF Control Between Functions
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TF 7-5 Project document:
IEC 61850-7-5, IEC 61850-7-500
Related TISSUE:
Collect the work created by this AHTF and integrate it into 7-5 and 7-500. We need to locate the latest draft of the document, review that draft, and determine how to integrate it with our documents.
Related issues
Updated by Tom Berry about 1 year ago
One of the issues is that MMS control service status and results are not visible in IED device models.
For a distribution automation application I added data objects
CSWI OpStr control in progress
SSWI OpTmAlm control failure (timeout)
SSWI OpErrCod control result (cause)
Updated by Keith Gray 9 months ago
- Related to IEC61850-7-5 #6787: Harmonization of Table 4 with Figure 22 added
Updated by Keith Gray 4 months ago
Two issues raised by Kota Kawasaki during the Nanjing meeting:
1. Value of XCBR.Pos.ctlModel:
- What should the value of XCBR.POS.ctlModel be when controlling via GOOSE messages?
- We would like to manage the model separately depending on whether the selection function (XCBR.POS.stSeld) and response monitoring (XCBR.POS.opOk) are enabled at the process level.
- My understanding is that the ctlModel value in IEC 61850-7-2, 3 Ed2.1 does not focus on control via GOOSE messages, and the value of XCBR.POS.ctlModel is status-only even if it is controlled via GOOSE messages.
- Thierry: This understanding is correct. Recommend not to use the term "Control via GOOSE".
- Christoph B: How to indicate whether direct operate or SBO is used? * Thierry: * Option 1: Later binding ExtRefs with the appropriate descriptions and types * Option 2: Data flow binding is done by ICT configuration
- Michael: It is up to the engineer to align the subscription and the control model
- Christoph B: The standard is unclear whether the ctlModel is tied to services or the state machine
- This topic was supposed to be covered by the Control Between Functions - this is a future topic
2. Timeout function at process level
- Are XCBR.POS.sbotimeout and XCBR.POS.opertimeout in process level IEDs available if timeout functions are required at the process level?
- IEC 61850-7-3 Ed.2.1 states that the condition for the presence of sbotimeout and opertimeout is "MOsbo: Element is mandatory if declared control model supports 'sbo-with-normal-security' or 'sbo-with-enhanced-security', otherwise optional and value is of no impact."
- What does "declared control model supports…" mean?
- For example, if the MU supports the SBO control model via MMS, but control is performed via GOOSE messages, are XCBR.POS.sbotimeout and XCBR.POS.opertimeout mandatory and valid?
- Thierry: Because MMS is supported, these attributes are required per the standard, even if you don't use it
- J.S.: Tricky is only supporting GOOSE
- Thierry: Only required if MMS is included. Otherwise, they are optional. You can use them for GOOSE if you want.
- Camille: It is unclear if MOsbo applies to only MMS or any type of control
- Linked to the first issue, Control between functions
- Need to fix the presence condition statement where it says "optional and of no impact", this is not correct
- sbotimeout and opertimeout are relevant for GOOSE messages