IEC61850-7-5 #6698
Integrate work from AHTF Control Between Functions
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TF 7-5 Project document:
IEC 61850-7-5, IEC 61850-7-500
Related TISSUE:
Collect the work created by this AHTF and integrate it into 7-5 and 7-500. We need to locate the latest draft of the document, review that draft, and determine how to integrate it with our documents.
Related issues
Updated by Tom Berry 11 months ago
One of the issues is that MMS control service status and results are not visible in IED device models.
For a distribution automation application I added data objects
CSWI OpStr control in progress
SSWI OpTmAlm control failure (timeout)
SSWI OpErrCod control result (cause)
Updated by Keith Gray 7 months ago
- Related to IEC61850-7-5 #6787: Harmonization of Table 4 with Figure 22 added
Updated by Keith Gray about 2 months ago
Two issues raised by Kota Kawasaki during the Nanjing meeting:
1. Value of XCBR.Pos.ctlModel:
- What should the value of XCBR.POS.ctlModel be when controlling via GOOSE messages?
- We would like to manage the model separately depending on whether the selection function (XCBR.POS.stSeld) and response monitoring (XCBR.POS.opOk) are enabled at the process level.
- My understanding is that the ctlModel value in IEC 61850-7-2, 3 Ed2.1 does not focus on control via GOOSE messages, and the value of XCBR.POS.ctlModel is status-only even if it is controlled via GOOSE messages.
- Thierry: This understanding is correct. Recommend not to use the term "Control via GOOSE".
- Christoph B: How to indicate whether direct operate or SBO is used? * Thierry: * Option 1: Later binding ExtRefs with the appropriate descriptions and types * Option 2: Data flow binding is done by ICT configuration
- Michael: It is up to the engineer to align the subscription and the control model
- Christoph B: The standard is unclear whether the ctlModel is tied to services or the state machine
- This topic was supposed to be covered by the Control Between Functions - this is a future topic
2. Timeout function at process level
- Are XCBR.POS.sbotimeout and XCBR.POS.opertimeout in process level IEDs available if timeout functions are required at the process level?
- IEC 61850-7-3 Ed.2.1 states that the condition for the presence of sbotimeout and opertimeout is "MOsbo: Element is mandatory if declared control model supports 'sbo-with-normal-security' or 'sbo-with-enhanced-security', otherwise optional and value is of no impact."
- What does "declared control model supports…" mean?
- For example, if the MU supports the SBO control model via MMS, but control is performed via GOOSE messages, are XCBR.POS.sbotimeout and XCBR.POS.opertimeout mandatory and valid?
- Thierry: Because MMS is supported, these attributes are required per the standard, even if you don't use it
- J.S.: Tricky is only supporting GOOSE
- Thierry: Only required if MMS is included. Otherwise, they are optional. You can use them for GOOSE if you want.
- Camille: It is unclear if MOsbo applies to only MMS or any type of control
- Linked to the first issue, Control between functions
- Need to fix the presence condition statement where it says "optional and of no impact", this is not correct
- sbotimeout and opertimeout are relevant for GOOSE messages