


Issues #645

A4.11a - Test procedures indicates that all sample rates & number of ASDUs variant shall be tested

Added by Thierry Dufaure almost 4 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Due date:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Clause Reference:
61850 Standard:
Triggering Tissue:
Final Decision:
See attachment 20210601
Updated Test Document:
Test Case ID:
SV general
Closed Reason:
Test Procedure Update
Triggering Tissue 2:
Triggering Tissue 3:


Testing sample rates and number of ASDUs variants test should be limited to the real variant aspects, not to the generic communication tests: sSvp8 to sSvp22.
Propose to reduce the test scope for the publisher and actually subscriber variance. There shall be 1 main variant for the whole set of tests, and secondary variant for reduced test scope.


processBusConfigurations.docx processBusConfigurations.docx 15.3 KB draft for proposal Thierry Dufaure, 03/23/2021 09:46 AM
ProcessBusConfigurations.xlsx ProcessBusConfigurations.xlsx 12.2 KB Thierry Dufaure, 04/12/2021 01:28 AM
Solution for SV testing.docx Solution for SV testing.docx 163 KB Richard Schimmel, 05/19/2021 10:24 AM
Solution for SV testing_20210601.docx Solution for SV testing_20210601.docx 159 KB Richard Schimmel, 06/01/2021 08:37 AM

Updated by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Updated by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to In Progress

Updated by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to New

Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

First proposal for changing the introduction text - for both publisher and subscriber.
is drafted in the attached document.


Updated by Richard Schimmel over 3 years ago

  • 61850 Standard 9-2 added

Thierry proposes that test labs perform the test on "one random configuration". This is not possible because some test cases only apply to a backwards config and others only to a preferred config.
I propose that test labs perform "each applicable SV test case on a random configuration". Test labs shall at least use one backward and one preferred config.
I agree that for sSvp1 (delay) shall be performed on the maximum config (in order of priority): maximum size of the dataset, maximum number of samples, maximum size of svID.


Updated by Bruce Muschlitz over 3 years ago

Disagree wirh Richard: Thierry's proposal is to execute 2 tests (1 legacy and 1 preferred).
Disagree with Thierry: executing only 2 tests will NOT ensure that all combinations of sample_rates/num_of_ASDUs are correctly published.
Agree with both that some tests do not need to be executed for every sample_rates/num_of_ASDUs combination:
sSvp1: only need to once per Richard comment
sSvp7: do not need to run every time but need to test this with small and large PDU sizes
sSvp8: can run on only 1 legacy (derived bit allowed true) and 1 preferred (derived bit not allowed)
sSvp9-17: can run only once (probably with preferred rate)
But for all other tests, these shall be executed for every sample_rates/num_of_ASDUs combination


Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

  • File processBusConfigurations.docx added

As it may be easier first to expose my proposal in a table way before going to the text modification, I attach the table as well.
I am not advocating to "execute 2 tests (1 legacy and 1 preferred)."
I am advocating that the supported NamVariant shall expose at least: 1 legacy and 1 preferred
For the publisher test: only sSvp3, sSvp5 is about ramdon and legacy.
sSvp10 and sSvp13 about legacy; the other random.
We do not need to verify all combination, as we do not do it either for other transport mechanism:report, goose.


Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

  • File deleted (processBusConfigurations.docx)

Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

As it may be easier first to expose my proposal in a table way before going to the text modification, I attach the table as well.
I am not advocating to "execute 2 tests (1 legacy and 1 preferred)."
I am advocating that the supported NamVariant shall expose at least: 1 legacy and 1 preferred
For the publisher test: only sSvp3, sSvp5 is about ramdon and legacy.
sSvp10 and sSvp13 about legacy; the other random.
We do not need to verify all combination, as we do not do it either for other transport mechanism:report, goose.


Updated by Richard Schimmel over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Test Case ID set to SV general

Updated by Richard Schimmel over 3 years ago

Thierry and Bruce reviewed the proposed solution and had a few comments that have no impact on the solution

I (Richard) used the word “configuration” to indicate “one MSVCB”. So a random or maximum configuration is still one MSVCB.
That a DUT does support multiple MSVCB’s is really nice but not relevant for the SV test procedures. A DUT that supports only one MSVCB can still pass the test, requiring a lot of device reconfigurations. So yes I agree with: The test sSvp3 can be performed with 1 device configuration that includes 1) a MSVCB with backward config AND 2) a MSVCB with preferred config

1. Text does NOT explain which tests to run (It says only that 2 configurations need to be supported) ThD: yes it does in the test itself.

Agree with ThD, no change

2. I (bruce) do not understand what you mean by “default configuration” ThD: The configuration exposed by the ICT when nothing has been re-configured

Richard: OK in the beginning I specified the test lab shall change the values

3. I think if SmvSettings is “fix” then even the ICT cannot change it. Maybe you mean “conf” and valImport=false (or missing?) ThD: Richard is correct. There is no valImport at services

Richard: no change required (when “fix” the SCT can’t change it, that’s it)

4. Why test a random configuration and not just the “maximum configuration”. Specifically, if the “random configuration” is the minimum then test for delay time is meaningless. ThD: I think we need to differentiate between device configuration and control block configuration. The maximum device configuration when it includes a backward and a preferred configuration is sufficient for the test.

Richard: see above the maximum (MSVCB) configuration is also a random (MSVCB) configuration. It’s up to the test lab and vendor to optimize the DEVICE configuration. No change

5. sSvp13 needs to run with a “less than maximum configuration”. It is clear to me that at least 2x preferred and 2x legacy rates will be needed for this test suite (1 each for sSvp13 and 1 each for sSvp1. Maybe preferred variant testing can assume all channels are used, but I do not see anywhere that this is a 61869-9 requirement. ThD: sending none existing samples is only for devices that needs to send a 9-2LE formatted frame but have missing measurements – for instance no I or no U connected. Therefore, it is trying to send a 4I, 4U, without having them all available. This is a modern device that could send 4I but was configured to send 4U as well. I agreed with Richard.

Richard: no change, indeed it’s an 9-2LE specific testcase. For preferred you simply remove the “invalid” datasetelements


Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

  • File clipboard-202105281611-haxa1.png added

I agree with Richard proposal from 19. Mai.
I am not sure it is necessary to perform sSvp14 for both random and preferred. A test with a configuration and different MsvID is sufficient – with either preferred or random.


Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago

  • File deleted (clipboard-202105281611-haxa1.png)

Updated by Richard Schimmel over 3 years ago

TPWG: Stephan/Gunnar/Richard/Bruce/Herb agree to both the max and min MsvID in sSvp14. We disagree with Thierry's proposal to remove a part from sSvp14. We changed the minimum length Msvid from 4 to 1 char


Updated by Richard Schimmel about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Updated Test Document set to Ed2Amd1 TP1.1
  • Closed Reason Test Procedure Update added

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