CIM Issues #6299
OperationalLimitType; add an attribute to hold the "type" of limit, such as Emergency, Normal, ...
Current use of or to hold the condition of the limit; such as Emergency Limit or Normal Limit or LoadShed Limit becomes a "person viewable" nice solution, but not a machine readable nice solution. Having a new attribute in OperationalLimitType either as a flexible String data type, or of an enumeration of the most common types of limits would enhance the use and determination of the types of limits.
07-Feb-2024 Discussed in the weekly call:
Open question: Are we willing to make breaking changes (via a new proposal)? Or are we going to adapt what we have today (via Becky's suggestions)
Include Becky (and any others interested) to carve out an hour to discuss details. Needed for that discussion would include:
- Becky to provide descriptions relevant to each proposed enum literal (with follow on review from WG13 next week)
- Practical use cases to support each literal being recommend.
Upon review after that hour we should have enough information to proceed with what to add.
18-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meetings:
Final review. The essence of this issue (now that the *Kind enum is already normative) is to add additional enums to it.
Action Item: Becky agreed to provide the full list (with descriptions) for the list of enum literals to be added.
That issue can be closed once Becky's enums are added.
Updated by Becky Iverson about 1 year ago
Can this request be modified to instead add LimitKind enum values that are used by the new attribute "kind" which was added to support the ENTSO-E extensions? Can additional enum values be added to the "LimitKind" enumeration to support the typical set of limits for "Emergency", "Normal", "LoadShed"? The LimitKind defined in the model CIM_Grid18v09_Support14v00_Market04v14.eap already includes "highVoltage", "lowVoltage", "operationalVoltageLimit", "alarmVoltage", "warningVoltage" and "stability".
Updated by Todd Viegut 6 months ago
- Status changed from Open to In Progress
- Base Release set to CIM18
- Solution to be Applied To set to CIM18
- Decision updated (diff)
Updated by Becky Iverson 5 months ago
Please add the following new enums to the LimitKind enumeration used by OperationalLimitType.kind;
Pulled from NERC documentation is the following definitions:
Normal Rating – The rating as defined by the equipment owner that specifies the level of electrical
loading, usually expressed in megawatts (MW) or other appropriate units that a system, facility, or
element can support or withstand through the daily demand cycles without loss of equipment life.
Emergency Rating – The rating as defined by the equipment owner that specifics the level of electrical
loading or output, usually expressed in megawatts (MW) or Mvar, or other appropriate units, that a
system, facility, or element can support, procedure, or withstand for a finite period. The rating assumes
acceptable loss of equipment life or other physical or safety limitations for the equipment involved.
Updated by Becky Iverson 5 months ago
Load Shed Rating - Would be considered another type of Emergency rating that typically has a shorter duration