


CIM Issues #6299

Updated by Todd Viegut 2 months ago

07-Feb-2024 Discussed in the weekly call: 

 Open question:    Are we willing to make breaking changes (via a new proposal)?    Or are we going to adapt what we have today (via Becky's suggestions) 


 Include Becky (and any others interested) to carve out an hour to discuss details.    Needed for that discussion would include: 

 - Becky to provide descriptions relevant to each proposed enum literal (with follow on review from WG13 next week) 
 - Practical use cases to support each literal being recommend. 

 Upon review after that hour we should have enough information to proceed with what to add. 

 18-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meetings: 
 Final review. The essence of this issue (now that the *Kind enum is already normative) is to add additional enums to it.   
 Action Item:    Becky agreed to provide the full list (with descriptions) for the list of enum literals to be added. 

 That issue can be closed once Becky's enums are added. 
