


Feature #6219

Parameters not available in standardized LN - VRtg, ARtg and HzRtg

Added by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

In Progress
Standard extension required
Start date:
Due date:
05/24/2021 (over 3 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
TF Unique ID:
54 # RTE
WG10 Proposal:

This information should be part of the source to guarantee consistency of information

Estimated Completion:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

IEC 61850-7-4

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:


New parametres need to be modelled since they are not available in standard LNs.
This issue refer to VRtg, ARtg and HzRtg parameters, as explained in the attached documents by RTE.


20210326-RTE Use cases 622.docx 20210326-RTE Use cases 622.docx 20.2 KB Use case explanation Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo, 05/25/2021 10:14 AM
20210326-RTE Use cases 622_v2.docx 20210326-RTE Use cases 622_v2.docx 24 KB more details on use cases Maud Merley, 12/04/2022 11:56 PM

Proposal descriptions

Last WG10 comment: VRtg – ARtg – HzRtg: Similar to the other ones, this information should be part of the source to guarantee consistency of information, rather than having the same setting in all of the P-logical node instances. The question is how to be able to get this information and how to be sure that the information is in the CID file of the IED that needs the information. Possibilities: ExtRef with Poll method

Related issues

Copied from IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force - Feature #6218: Parameters not available in standardized LN - PhyConnITFIn Progress11/24/202005/24/2021

Copied to IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work - WG10 Future Work #6220: Parameters not available in standardized GAPC LN - opDITmms, DITmmsNew11/24/202005/24/2021


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago

  • Copied from Feature #6218: Parameters not available in standardized LN - PhyConnITF added

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago

WG10 comment:
VRtg – ARtg – HzRtg: Similar to the other ones, this information should be part of the source to guarantee consistency of information, rather than having the same setting in
all of the P-logical node instances.
The question is how to be able to get this information and how to be sure that the information is in the CID file of the IED that needs the information. Possibilities: ExtRef with Poll method
RTE comment:
The use case here is different from NamAccRtg: it is not correct that these informations should be taken from TCTR/TVTR, since they correspond to the rated voltage / current of the
instrument transformer. For protections functions, the rated voltage and current of the corresponding feeder has to be used, and it may be different from the instrument transformers rating.


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago

  • ID changed from 19 to 54
  • TF Unique ID changed from 19 # RTE to 54 # RTE

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago


Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 1 year ago

It is concluded that issue has to be presented and discussed on next joint meeting of TC57 & TC38 & TC95 in Lyon (May 25th, 2023). Will be presented by Maud Merley.


Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 1 year ago

  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No

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