Issues #5286
Not every Sample rate/nofASDU combination is tested for SV publishers/subscribers
UCAIug Server test procedures for Ed2+Am1 do not verify that the publisher can emit frame for each claimed sample-rate/nofASDU combinations.
Simple test is needed to verify these combinations. Results of this test can be used to populate the fields within the certificate database.
Proposed test procedure for SV publishers is attached.
Furthermore, the list of tested combinations shall appear on the conformance certificate (note that there is a maximum of 8 possible combinations)
Related issues
Updated by Richard Schimmel about 3 years ago
About the certificate I propose to add the SV publish and SV subscribe variants as part of the product details (below software/hardware version):
SV publish : F4000S1, F4800S1, F4800S2, F5760S1, F12800S8, F14400S6, F15360S8, F96000S1 (delete what is not supported)
SV subscribe: F4000S1, F4800S1, F4800S2, F5760S1, F12800S8, F14400S6, F15360S8, F96000S1 (delete what is not supported)
As such end-users can easily select/check a matching rate.
Updated by Richard Schimmel about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Initial Test Document set to Amd1 TP1.1
- Test Case ID set to sSvp18
- 61850 Standard 9-2 added
Similar for SV subscribe. Add test case to proof that DUT can subscribe to each (PIXIT) claimed FxxxxSx?
Updated by Richard Schimmel about 3 years ago
- File Solution 5286 sSvp18_sSvs16_20220121.docx Solution 5286 sSvp18_sSvs16_20220121.docx added
- Subject changed from Not every Sample rate/nofASDU combination is tested for SV publishers to Not every Sample rate/nofASDU combination is tested for SV publishers/subscribers
- Test Case ID changed from sSvp18 to sSvp18, sSvs16
Added SV subscribe to the attachment and updated certificate template
Updated by Richard Schimmel about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Approved TPWG
Updated by Thierry Dufaure almost 3 years ago
testing all combination is against the decision of the random configuration chosen by the lab, and is increasing the effort and costs for certification.
I understood that conclusions are: document tested configuration variant on the certificate and not to test all combination.
What come next? test entire range of multicast address?
Updated by Bruce Muschlitz almost 3 years ago
Resolution of this issue does NOT require testing "all combinations" but only those declared by the DUT to be interoperable with other devices meeting the standard.
Typical 61869-9 devices are expected to declare exactly 1 or legacy and preferred variants so this resolution simply requires that both legacy and preferred variants be tested.
Which of these 2 variants do you NOT want to test but still provide users with confidence that both legacy and preferred are functional?
I suppose we could test only 9-2LE variants and ASSUME (without testing) that the device can also support 61869-9 communications. Is this what you want?
There never was discussion of testing multicast addressing by the TPWG.
If such tests were proposed then all of the TPWG has the ability to argue for denial of such a request.
But let us please concentrate on one issue at a time and not worry about "possible future tests" in every Redmine discussion.
Updated by Thierry Dufaure almost 3 years ago
Typical 61869-9 devices are expected to declare exactly 1 or legacy and preferred variants
-> we ahould not limit the discussion to typical 1 variant - because if olny one variant is supported, the random test will pick that variant.
Flexible devices are here on concern.
"Repeat the test for all unique combinations of declared āFā and āSā values".
Let's take the example of a deivce declaring:
This means 6 different tests are required with the new publihsher test approac only during the sSvp18!!!!
With the current pagreed and published test procedures
1) one backward compatible configuration is used: e.g eith F4000S1 or F4800S1
2) 1 prefered is tested: e.g FF4800S2
3) 1 max is tested: FxSy
4) 1 random is tested
-> 4 different configurations over 15 tests!
This is a major different.
I disagree with the resolution conclusion. I ask to repoen the discussion, as the TPCL 1.2 has not been published.
Updated by Bruce Muschlitz almost 3 years ago
Sorry, there was a typo in the previous comment:
"Typical 61869-9 devices are expected to declare exactly 1 OF legacy and preferred variants"
The intent of this phrase was to demonstrate that exactly 2 tests would be needed for sSvp4.
Concerning the list of declared variants: "F4000S1I0-24U0-24;F4800S1-2I0-24U0-24;F14400S6I0-24U0-24;F12800S8I0-24U0-24;F15360S8I0-24U0-24"
most of these are not allowed by 61869-9. For both F4000S1 and F4800S1 and F12800S8 and F15360S8 , only I4U4 is allowed.
The count of tests is exactly 6 with 4 of those 6 having exactly the same test setup (only the DUT configuration changes).
For the other 2 tests, assuming the PIXIT-specified maximum channel count=24, there would be an additional 2 test setups (one with 24 current channels and the other with 24 voltage channels)
I also do not understand why the previous comment assumes that that 15 tests would be altered each to test every FxxxxSy combination because that was never proposed.
Updated by Thierry Dufaure almost 3 years ago
Proposed sSvp18 is requiring for this NamVariant of a flexible device: 6 tests, while the testing of sSvp1 to sSvp17 is already testing 3 of the variants:
1) one backward compatible configuration is used: e.g with F4000S1 or F4800S1
2) 1 random IEC 61869-9 preferred is tested: for instance F4800S2
3) 1 max is tested: FxSyInUm
The configurations 1) 2) and 3) are already chosen to have 3 combinations tested.
Any reconfiguration is increasing the effort and the cost of the type conformance test.
Limiting the sSvp18 to test the FxSy variants that were not already covered with sSvp1, sSvp17 - restricted to one of the I<z>U<r> used in previous test, could be a compromise to not increase the testing effort and cost dramatically.
Updated by Herbert Falk almost 3 years ago
- Related to Issues #5308: SV Publisher/subscriber maximum dataset size is untested added
Updated by Bruce Muschlitz almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Updated Test Document set to Server Ed2.1 TP1.2
- Closed Reason Test Procedure Update added
- Closed Reason deleted (
--Not Set---)