


WG10 Future Work #3102 Clarification of Start Times in StrTm.setCal

Added by Henry Dawidczak almost 3 years ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Start date:
Due date:
02/10/2022 (over 2 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
TF Unique ID:
4 # TissueDB
WG10 Proposal:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Short Proposal:

Include in edition 3 - not very urgent


IEC 61850-7-4

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:
Target edition:


Part 7-4, page 481, clause K.2.4
Applying the standard’s schedule definitions to practical use cases caused some discussion on how to interpret part 7-4.
IEC 61850-7-4 annex K.2.4 states: “In case, for whatever reason, the schedule cannot start at the time given by the occurrence of a start time setting, but afterwards, then the schedule will run sharply as if it has started at the time given by the start time setting. Said in other words, the schedule won’t shift the scheduled values based on the real-time start.”

German users group, VDE FNN Project Group Steuerbox, concluded that an enabled periodic schedule would run as if enabled with its most recent (periodic) start time, if it were still running from this start. Because it affects interoperability of the specified devices, we decided to discuss the issue with the community.

The attachment shows the issue with examples.


cyclic schedules tissue.pdf View cyclic schedules tissue.pdf 133 KB Henry Dawidczak, 08/10/2021 05:06 AM

Proposal descriptions

Chapter K.2.4 of part 7-4 (2020) shall be amended:

A schedule assumes status 'running' from 'not ready', if the following conditions are true:
1) the schedule is well-formed (has starting times, output values etc.)
2) if a UTC Start time (setTm) is present, it lies in the past
3) if the schedule is cyclic, there exists a cyclic start time (last cyclic start Time from setCal, lcst), for which is
lcst <= now <= lcst + (SchdIntv * NumEntr).


Updated by Henry Dawidczak almost 3 years ago

Additional change is proposed:
in Table K.1 row "not event driven" --> "periodic" change first sentence from "Once it has been enabled and integrity is OK, the schedule run periodically, starting at first occurrence of the Calendar time and repeats with every re-occurence of the calendar time until it is disabled."
"Once it has been enabled and integrity is OK, the schedule run periodically, starting at first occurrence of the Calendar time or after the Calendar time, when the periodic schedule meets the condition to run, and repeats with every re-occurence of the calendar time until it is disabled."


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 3 years ago

  • Due date set to 02/10/2022

- TF Unique ID set
- Due date updated


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 3 years ago

  • ID set to 4
  • Source set to TissueDB
  • TF Unique ID set to 4 # TissueDB

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Short Proposal set to Include in edition 3 - not very urgent
  • Standard(s) set to IEC 61850-7-4

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Improvement to WG10FutureWork
  • Project changed from IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force to IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work
  • ID deleted (4)
  • To discuss in WG10 deleted (No)

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 1 year ago

  • Needs More Information set to No

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 1 year ago

  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from No to Yes

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 1 year ago

  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No

Updated by Vladan Cvejic about 1 year ago

  • Tracker changed from WG10FutureWork to WG10 Future Work
  • Status changed from Resolved to New
  • Assigned TF None added

Updated by Vladan Cvejic 9 months ago

  • Target edition set to Not assigned

Updated by Vladan Cvejic 5 months ago

  • Target edition changed from Not assigned to Next
  • Assigned TF 61850-7-4 added
  • Assigned TF deleted (None)

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