

Henry Dawidczak

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  • Registered on: 02/25/2021
  • Last connection: 01/27/2025


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Test Procedure Issues IEC61850_TPWG_DEVELOPER, IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 09/10/2021
Client IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 03/08/2021
GOOSE Performance IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 03/08/2021
SCL Tooling IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 03/08/2021
Server IEC61850_TPWG_REPORTER 03/08/2021



11:02 AM 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 #6686 (New): Description of the different control methods to change position of OLTC (in automatic, manual modes)
Tissue requests to remove TapOpStop from LN ATCC. This bring me to the n...
Henry Dawidczak


09:30 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6524 (New): - enable/disable LN via setting / new DO SetMod
In tissue #670 (tissues of Part 7-4 ed.2) the idea is confirmed to create a new DO SetMod (State GREEN, for edition ... Henry Dawidczak


08:33 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6165 (New): - Implementation of SumSwARs in 3-phase circuit breaker inaccurate
Proposal from tissue:
"By changing the PressCond of SumSwARs from O / O to OMulti / O, three summation currents can ...
Henry Dawidczak
08:29 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6164 (New): - Permission mode for control/setting of a scheduled entity from a client
In TF7-5 a comprehensive example based on existing model in part 7-4 should be prepared. This could lead to improveme... Henry Dawidczak
08:21 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6163 (New): - When e.g. LocSta = false, result of command to switch DO Mod with "station-control" not clear.
Topic will be discussed in TF7-5/7-500. Future improvement comes from future TR 7-500. Henry Dawidczak
08:19 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6162 (New): - Mechanical Blocking of 3 way switches
From Tissue:
"Multi way switches like combined earthing / disconnecting switches may have a mechanical protection to...
Henry Dawidczak
08:16 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6161 (New): - SwModKey dependency of CSWI from LLN0
The subject of this tissue is already in discussion in TF7-500/7-5. Clarification in future revision of TR 7-5 shall ... Henry Dawidczak
08:11 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6160 (New): LPHD.PwrSupAlm as Omulti
Tissue is about redundant PS.
"Several devices include redundant power supplies. Each power supply can indicate a pr...
Henry Dawidczak
08:08 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6159 (New): SCBR - Coilxxx-Data-Objects shall be Omulti
Proposal is to add multiple instances for coil supervision in SCBR.
IN TF 90-3 we want to introduce a LN SCOL (Spe...
Henry Dawidczak
08:04 AM IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work #6158 (New): - OMulti for MMET data objects
From tissue proposal:
"In the wind domain there can be multiple sensors for the same kind of measurement (e.g. wind ...
Henry Dawidczak

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