


Improvement #7062

Need to be able to test Virtual IEC 61850 Devices

Added by Herbert Falk 3 months ago. Updated about 2 months ago.

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A test lab has a request to certify an virtualize IEC 61850 Implementation.

The test procedures can still be used, but the certificate, vendor information , and redmine would need to change.

We will probably need the following information. For HW: the HW of the actual physical server; for Software: the version of the Virtual IED;. The certificate and Redmine will need to also include the Hypervisor name and version (e.g. VmWare Exsi 7.8). I also believe that the certificate/redmine will need to specify the type of virtual Ethernet connection (V-switch, PCI Passthrough, or SRV-IO).

Since there are implementations using kubernetes/docker as well, we need to decide on the correct terminology. Suggestion is Container Technology.


IEC 61850 Submission Requirements_preaudit version 2.xlsx IEC 61850 Submission Requirements_preaudit version 2.xlsx 11.5 KB draft Updated vendor submission form Herbert Falk, 12/30/2024 11:11 AM
certificateTemplate with virtualization and ITCA.docx certificateTemplate with virtualization and ITCA.docx 67.3 KB draft of conformance certificate with virtualization info Herbert Falk, 12/30/2024 11:11 AM
Requirements to document testing of virtual IEC 61850.docx Requirements to document testing of virtual IEC 61850.docx 79.5 KB draft of explanation of testing requirements Herbert Falk, 12/30/2024 11:11 AM

Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG about 2 months ago

  • Tracker changed from Issues to Improvement
  • Project changed from Test Procedure Issues to General Testing Issues
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done set to 0

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