CIM Issues #7025
Standardized the use of flow/direction across working groups and CIM packages (Grid, Enterprise, Market)
Additionally, I recommend we add a direction to the Grid Service as a separate field. Many resources can provide one one "side" of the delivery, for example a load may be able to provide energy reduction (demand response), but not energy increase. Rather than separate out each grid service, and enumeration called gridServiceDirection could be used with the following:
- BiDirectional
- Injection
- Withdrawal
- Increase
- Decrease
I suggest the two "flavors" because some products naturally make sense with one and not the other. For example, Voltage Increase makes sense but not really Voltage Injection. Energy, on the other hand, makes sense ash Energy Injection and less so (although not entirely with Energy Increase) - I think worth a debate. I do recommend against anything which can be viewed differently from the grid and customer perspective, like "import" and "export" or "in" and "out". A battery might export to the grid, but the grid operator is importing power from the customer. These "which side of the meter am I sitting" issues can lead to confusion and errors in exchanges.
If this idea is not popular, we can always revert back to triplicating each service, e.g. RampingUp, RampingDown, and Ramping (for the case where the service requires both directions and does not differentiate pricing based on direction).
We also need to consider similar constructs already established, of which there are more than I expected:
- flowDirection (string)
- FlowDirectionType (enumeration 'forward' and 'reverse')
- FlowDirectionKind (large enumeration focused on real/reactive power quadrants)
- RelativeDirectionKind (enumeration 'up','down','upAndDown' and 'none')
- BidDirectionKind (enumeration 'up', 'down', 'upAndDown' and 'stable')
- ScheduleKind (enumeration 'generation', 'load', 'loadIncrease', 'loadDecrease', and soon 'genrationIncrease' and 'generationDecrease')
- ComDirectionKind (enumeration 'fromDevice', 'toDevice', and 'biDirectional')
This last one is close to what I propose, but is awkward to use with the "Com" in front. But it does sorta make sense with the service coming from the device and/or going to the device, so I could see us using that with service; although the natural use would rather be 'fromResource' and 'toResource'
Hopefully something I propose here will resonante and spark some ideas from the group for something perhaps better than I am proposing...
Notes from TF16 discussions:
Description for what types of commodity flows are allowed at a given point on the grid.
- production
- consumption
- productionIncrease
- productionDecrease
- consumptionIncrease
- consumptionDecrease
Description for the current state of a commodity flow at a given point on the grid.
Updated by Svein Olsen 27 days ago
I think the complete premise is incorrect in regard to the grid. The grid is in principle complying to the Kirchoff's law and operating on a given time resolution. Grid must describe the capability of the equipment as best as possible. Direction is in principle solved by active power -p can be positive or negative and where flow is important, we are using the load convention so that a unit producing power will be negative and a unit consuming is positive. The grid must also handle reactive power balance. We have in the grid side many equivalences, e.g. EnergyConsumer. With more production in the distribution grid, these equivalents cannot be used any longer.
Market concept is simplification that cannot be translated one-to-one to operational concept. they might also vary from maket to market. The grid concepts are driven by the type of equipment that are available in the grid and are less affected by market regulation.
I agree and support that we should aligned market concept and operational concept. To go to a generic terms like Commodity - you are really open the world. If we are listing the most common group of commodities we have Energy, Metal, Agricultural.... For grid we really need to know if we are talking about Energy or Power - let us focuses on those and let someone deal with soybeans...
Updated by Todd Viegut 21 days ago
19-Feb-2025: Weekly TF13 modelling call
Reviewed this joint issue during our weekly call and the commentary provided by Svein. Feedback to TF16 is that we agree with the goal to harmonize market and operations. Need to discuss though the proposed decision. We have two very different perspectives that warrant deeper discussion to arrive at alignment.