CIM Issues #6745
Need for consistent approach for Market Products
Market Products are not used consistently in the CIM because market products are not really consistent across markets...
Energy is the universal commodity; however, even when considering universal grid support products the names vary. In the North America, they call the load frequency control the Regulation product, but in Europe is is Secondary Reserve. Standby/emergency reserve products are more varied. Tertiary Reserve in Europe is split into Synchronous and Non-Synchronous Reserve in the North America. But in even in North America, there is inconsistent usage. PJM calls it Synchronized/Non-Synchronized, MISO and SPP have Spinning and Supplemental, NYISO/ISO-NE/CAISO use Spinning and Non-Spinning, and finally ERCOT has Responsive and Non-Spinning.
One of the oldest market enumerations, MarketProductType does not follow the typical format. We have: EN, RU, RD, SR, NR, RC, LFU, LFD, REG, RPU, CO2e, RMU, and RMD. Changing to Energy, RegulationUp, RegulationDown, SynchronousReserve or SpinningReserve, NonSynchronousReserve or NonSpinningReserve, ReliabibilityUnitCommitment, LoadFollowingUp, LoadFollowingDown, CarbonDioxideEquivalent, RegulationMileageUp, and RegulationMileageDown would break things.
Then we have a similar enumeration: ResourceCapacityType. RU, RD, SR, NR, MO, FO, RA, RMR which map to RegulationUp, RegulationDown, SynchronousReserve or SpinningReserve, NonSynchronousReserve or NonSpinningReserve, MustOffer, FlexibleOffer, ResourceAdequacy, and ReliabilityMustRun. Clearly a different use, but some of the concepts here overlap.
Finally, the most recent is ResourceCertificationKind which allows us to flag when a resource is certified to provide a service. Here the enumeration is properly formatted (all but one entry, that is) and again have a strong correlation to products: RegulationUp, RegulationDown, SpinningReserve, NonSpinningReserve, ReliabilityMustRun, BLACKSTART, DemandSideResponse, SynchronousCondenser, ReliabilityUnitCommittment, Energy, Capacity.
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Updated by Scott Coe 12 months ago
- Europe has changed their terminology and moved away from the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary terms stated above. But this actually solidifies the point I am making.
- Several of my "direction" options listed above are informational (RelativeDirectionKind and BidDirectionKind) so need to be reviewed before using. This will also be discussion on the Grid side related the emerging ENTSO-E and EU Network Codes (perhaps Balancing Network Code?)
Updated by Becky Iverson 12 months ago
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Updated by Becky Iverson about 2 months ago
- Project changed from WG16 Issues to CIM Joint Issues
- Author/Contact Info deleted (
Scott Coe) - Proposed Solution updated (diff)
- CIM Impacted Groups WG13, WG14, WG21 added