CIM Issues #6924
Add subclasses of SubSchedulingArea
Add SchedulingArea, SubSchedulingArea, and five new subclasses of SubSchedulingArea to the main Grid >> ControlArea package.
Add association from SubSchedulingArea to Equipment / ConductingEquipment and to Terminal for specifying containment of equipment inside a persistent area for distributed control.
New classes are DistributionArea, FeederArea, SwitchArea, and Microgrid.
Proposed Solution
Add SchedulingArea, SubSchedulingArea, and five new subclasses of SubSchedulingArea to the main Grid >> ControlArea package.
Update description of SubSchedulingArea to "An area that is a part of another scheduling area. Typically part of a Transmission System Operator (TSO) scheduling area operated by a Distributed System Operator (DSO) or a Close Distributed System Operator (CDSO). This includes microgrid concept. A sub scheduling area can contain other sub areas. A sub scheduling area leaf will form the smallest entity of any given energy area. The SubSchedulingArea is a persistent connectivity-based containment defined by a set of boundary Terminal objects. The BoundaryTerminal association is to the near-side terminal of clearly-defined electrical boundaries forming a local power system with one or more points of common coupling. Each piece of Equipment can be associated with one SubSchedulingArea in which it is contained. The boundaries of the SubSchedulingArea are specified through the Terminals of equipment forming the boundary (such as a Recloser or PowerTransformer) and do not change through topology changes via switching actions."
Add new child class of SubSchedulingArea, named DistributionArea with description "A persistent connectivity-based containment of medium-voltage and high-voltage distribution Equipment with clearly defined electrical boundaries based on terminals of boundary equipment in a distribution substation or multiple substations. The DistributionArea provides the highest-level description of the equipment controlled by the Distribution System Operator (DSO)"
Add new child class of SubSchedulingArea, named FeederArea with description "A persistent connectivity-based containment of medium-voltage distribution Equipment with clearly defined electrical boundaries based on electrical connectivity of a distribution feeder. The FeederArea contains all medium voltage equipment not contained in a SwitchArea or Substation / Bay. It also includes all Sectionalisers, Reclosers, and all other poletop and pad-mounted switchgear that form the boundary of a SwitchArea. It also includes all equipment between the feeder head terminal and the first switching device if the substation breaker is not included in Feeder EquipmentContainer."
Add new child class of SubSchedulingArea, named SwitchArea with description "A persistent connectivity-based containment of medium-voltage distribution Equipment with clearly defined electrical boundaries formed by one or more Switch objects. The SwitchArea contains all conductors, fuses, poletop equipment, and vault equipment. It also contains all secondary service transformers not contained in a SecondarySubstation."
Add new child class of SwitchArea, named Microgrid with description "A persistent connectivity-based containment of distribution equipment that 1) has clearly-defined electrical boundaries formed by one or more point of common coupling Switch objects and 2) that acts as a single controllable entity which can be operated in grid-connected or islanded mode. This covers both utility-owned distribution microgrids and customer-owned facility microgrids as defined in IEV 617-04-22."
Add new child class of SubSchedulingArea, named SecondaryArea with description "A persistent connectivity-based containment of low-voltage distribution Equipment and customer-owned Equipment with clearly defined electrical boundaries formed by one or more PowerTransformer objects."
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