


Issues #6823

sAss4 - Step 2 indicates two different situations with localDetailCalling

Added by Erik San Telmo 5 days ago.

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The issue is related to the step 2. sAss4 test case, page 41 in 10075662-INC 2021-Rev1.2

"2.Client sends MMS Initiate Request with localDetailCalling=<minimum PDU size, (see PIXIT), NestingLevel=15,
proposedParameterCBBs=(str1, str2, vnam, valt, vlis) and ServiceSupportCalling=(fileOpen, fileRead, fileClose,
informationReport, conclude)"

In this step 2, two cases are covered:
A) When localDetailCalling = minimum PDU size
B) When localDetailCaling < minimum PDU size.

When the proposed MMS PDU size is equal to the PIXIT minimum PDU size, from my point of view the “Expected result” is ok.
But if the client proposes a MMS PDU size smaller than the minimum PDU size (PIXIT), for instance 100 bytes or 10 bytes, shall the device accept this MMS PDU size? With this PDU size no MMS service can the used at all.

I recommend to split this test in two different one:
a) Keep step 2 with LocalDetailCalling = minimum PDU size (pixit)
b) Add a step with LocalDetailCalling < minimum PDU size and add in this case add the possibility of rejecting the Initiate sequence as in the step 3 expected result.

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