Bug #6622
Test case Ttf1 (mustUnderstand) for the ICT conformance test needs clarification
The test should be modified to test three scenarios.
An element has a mustUnderstand in the communication section of the IED being configured, but the IED being configured does not support it.
The ICT should reject the configuration of the IED and provide an error message.
An element has a mustUnderstand outside the scope of the IED being configured.
The ICT should import the file.
An element has a mustUnderstand element that is in another device but the SCD is configured for use in the IED being configured.
The ICT should reject the configuration of the IED and provide an error message.
Currently mustUnderstand is only used for R-GOOSE and R-SV.
Updated by Karen Wyszczelski 12 months ago
THis should have been logged as an issue, not a bug. It has been copied to Issue #6631 https://redmine.ucaiug.org/issues/6631