WG10 Future Work #5943
New LN of group L (as "LTED") to represent the dynamic topology of the substation.
Was addressed in last WG10 plenary meeting. Decision: It has to be addressed in a Task Force. In order to create the TF, we have to wait for another existent TF to finished. Open: WG17 or WG10 to lead the work.
New task force to address the work.
IEC 61850-7-4
Some functions need to know the current topology of the substation.
For doing that,
- 1 LN LTED is instanciated for each feeder connected to the busbar and for each busbar segment.
- ElNodeRef indicates the reference number of the electrical node of the busbar to which the LN is associated, calculated on the base of its actual topology (disconnector and circuit breaker position).
- ElNodeNum indicates the total number of electrical nodes into which a busbar is splitted on the base of its actual topology (disconnector and circuit breaker position).
- ElNodeVTRef is used by the LD publishing voltage information (SV or PhV). Only one LD can adopt the number of the Electrical Node. This LD published the busbar voltage reference for corresponding electrical node, indicating if this voltage is to be used as voltage reference for an Electrical Node. If not, its value is set to zero.
Argument: Needed for some PACS functions.
Proposal descriptions
New TF should look into generic perspective of dynamic topology.
RTE to delegate TF leader.
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