


Feature #557

Lockout functionality: how to model by different protection functions?

Added by Herbert Falk about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Standard extension required
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TF Unique ID:
29 # ENTSO-E
WG10 Proposal:

This use case will be sent to 90-25 TF to take it into account

Estimated Completion:
19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (Vladan C) To send for comments to H31.19-06-06: Finished
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

In XCBR there is a Blkopen and Blkclose. Question is if it is sufficient to control these trough engineering or we need a new LN in order to control it automatically through this LN. This LN would handle as wel the reset. Proposition is to create a new LN in order create the most flexible solution and create the necessary signals/alarms for the scadaTo create new LN in protection domain19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (V.Cvejic) To be addressed by TF 7-5 (approval and deffinition what has to be done)19-06-06: Use case presented and accepted. PTRC.Tr could be persistent or not, use case will be updated.


IEC 61850-7-4

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:


Lockout: How should we model lock out by protection functions?
• Lock out by breaker failure
• Lock out by transformer protection
• Lock out by cable differential protection

Related issues

Related to 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 - IEC61850-7-5 #6559: Modelling of a Lockout/trip seal-in relayNew10/26/2023


Updated by Herbert Falk about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from Lockout: How should we model lock out by protection functions? • Lock out by breaker failure • Lock out by transformer protectio to Lockout functionality: how to model by different protection functions
  • Short Proposal changed from In XCBR there is a Blkopen and Blkclose. Question is if it is sufficient to control these trough engineering or we need a new LN in order to control it automatically through this LN. This LN would handle as wel the reset. Proposition is to create a new LN in order create the most flexible solution and create the necessary signals/alarms for the scada To create new LN in protection domain 19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (V.Cvejic) To be addressed by TF 7-5 (approval and deffinition what has to be done) 19-06-06: Use case presented and accepted. PTRC.Tr could be persistent or not, use case will be updated. to In XCBR there is a Blkopen and Blkclose. Question is if it is sufficient to control these trough engineering or we need a new LN in order to control it automatically through this LN. This LN would handle as wel the reset. Proposition is to create a new LN in order create the most flexible solution and create the necessary signals/alarms for the scadaTo create new LN in protection domain19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (V.Cvejic) To be addressed by TF 7-5 (approval and deffinition what has to be done)19-06-06: Use case presented and accepted. PTRC.Tr could be persistent or not, use case will be updated.
  • Estimated Completion changed from 19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (Vladan C) To send for comments to H31. 19-06-06: Finished to 19-01-23: To create Use-case with different scenarios in order to clearly define scope of application (Vladan C) To send for comments to H31.19-06-06: Finished

Updated by Vladan Cvejic about 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from Lockout functionality: how to model by different protection functions to Lockout functionality: how to model by different protection functions?
  • Standard(s) set to IEC 61850-7-4
  • WG10 Proposal changed from This use case will be sent to 90-25 TF to take it into account. to This use case will be sent to 90-25 TF to take it into account
  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting set to No

Checking done.


Updated by Keith Gray 9 months ago

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