Feature #5123
ACSI service for link supervision on application level
90-28 to cover the issue
IEC 61850-90-28
Link supervision is currently not defined as an ACSI service, but mentioned in the mapping documents
8-1 defines TCP-Keepalive shall be used for link supervision
8-2 defines XMPP Ping for link supervision
9-2 defines Goose TTL for link supervision
TCP-Keepalive as defined in 8-2 alone might not be sufficient in some scenarios.
It will just proof that the Ethernet Stack of the IED is still alive, but doesn't give any clue on the status of the higher protocol levels or the application itself.
Proposal descriptions
TF Communication Supervision (90-28) is defining LTPA logical node to supervise two-party associations covering this issue.
Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Standard(s) set to IEC 61850-7-2, 8-1, 8-2
Indicate why having such ACSI service supervision should solve the problem. A Client today already can send periodically supported service to monitor application to application communication. Verify which comm. architecture involving WAN could interfere with the TCP KEEPALIVE usage in the server to discover that the client has gone.
Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago
Andreas Ostermeier wrote:
Link supervision is currently not defined as an ACSI service, but mentioned in the mapping documents
8-1 defines TCP-Keepalive shall be used for link supervision
8-2 defines XMPP Ping for link supervision
8-1 defines Goose TTL for link supervisionTCP-Keepalive as defined in 8-1 alone might not be sufficient in some scenarios.
It will just proof that the Ethernet Stack of the IED is still alive, but doesn't give any clue on the status of the higher protocol levels or the application itself.
Updated by Thierry Dufaure over 3 years ago
Note that 8-2 XMPP Ping or 8-1 TCP-KEEPALIVE it not for Link supervision but for the supervision of the trasport layer.
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 3 years ago
- ID set to 2
- TF Unique ID changed from 2 to 2 # 80-6
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
- Proposal descriptions updated (diff)
- Short Proposal set to 90-28 to cover the issue
- Standard(s) changed from IEC 61850-7-2, 8-1, 8-2 to IEC 61850-90-28
TF Communication Supervision is defining LTPA logical node to supervise two-party associations covering this issue.
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from No to Yes
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No