


CIM Issues #5063

There are a variety of issues with RegulatingControl. Thes

Added by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Author/Contact Info:
Todd Viegut
Base Release:
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Completion Date:
CIM Keywords:
Breaking Change:
Breaking Change Description:
CIM Impacted Groups:

61970-301, 61970-452, 61970-456

Originally Closed in Version:
Origination Date:
Origination ID:
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There are a variety of issues with RegulatingControl. These include the following and must be addressed in CIM18:

There are multiple issues with the CIM control model:

1. Multiple RegulatingControls on the same controlled point as you describe. One reason to use multiple regulating controls is discrete vs continuous control that require different parameter settings. All RegulatingControls on the same power flow bus must then be enabled.

2. With multiple RegulatingControls they may have different target values (targetValue) which force the receiving tool to make a choice. If different tools make different choices then we have a problem. I have seen this in a few IGMs.

3. The control dead band (targetDeadband) is different for different type of devices which makes it difficult to use the same RegulatingControl, e.g. switched and tapped shunts.

4. A RegulatingControl is connected to the controlled power flow bus (TopologicalNode) via a Terminal. In a node breaker model it is common that the Terminal is at a Switch. It may then happen that the RegulatingControl becomes disconnected from the power flow bus as a consequence of switching while the controlling devices (subclasses of RequlatingCondEq) are still actively controlling. This has been observed to happen in several IGMs.

So the CIM voltage/reactive control model is broken and need a complete revision. For backwards compatibility we must keep the current in parallel with the revised.

Proposed Solution

A possible solution is to change the cardinality to RegulatingControl [0..*] - [0..*] Terminal which makes it possible to connect the RegulatingControl to all possible controlled points. However, there may be other side effects of this change so it must be carefully investigated before implemented.

Some initial formulated requirements (others are anticipated to be added):

1. The control model shall provide a single voltage target value for the controlled power flow bus and shall have a single enable/disable flag for the control at that bus.

2. Devices needing the same control dead bands shall be grouped and have a single and shared dead band value.

3. In node breaker models bus splits must be supported and the controlled point shall follow the possible reconfigurations that appears due to switching.

The RegulatingControl must be updated to meet these requirements.

Assign to Control Function Subgroup


Oslo, 14 June 2023
This issue will need to be closed together with the implementation of the new control. The topic and integrating proposals from Tom, ENTSO-E and Takashi

Oslo 15 June 2023:
The issue 4808 related to this issue therefore issue 4808 is closed and this issue should consider the issue related to modelling of master/follower tap changer control schemes that should be incorporated into the overarching function and controls conversation.

18-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meetings - Minneapolis:
Reviewed and have agreed this should be closed.

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