CIM Issues #4999
Use of RequaltingControl/TapChangerControlThe use cases fo
Use of RequaltingControl/TapChangerControl
The use cases for RegulatingControl need to be described as this has created confusion in ENTSO-E. In a node-breaker model it is possible to end up with the following situations
- one RegulatingControl with multiple RegulatingCondEq on a single TopologicalNode
- multiple RegulatingControls with a single RegulatingCondEq on a single TopologicalNode
- a mixture of the above two
Advice on how to select the controls for a mix of controlling devices is needed
- SynchronousMachines
- Tap changers
- Shunts
Proposed Solution
An approach is to state that it is up to the user to set enable and disable the controls to mirror the intended behaviour.
Assign to Control Function or Physical Devices Subgroups
18-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meeting - Minneapolis:
Reviewed and have agreed this should be closed. Addressed by the current amendments to controls in CIM18.