Improvement #441
Limitations of one to one mapping between LNode and LN
Added by Herbert Falk almost 4 years ago.
Updated about 1 year ago.
Standard clarification required
TF Unique ID:
4 # Vattenfall
WG10 Proposal:
to be adressed to the 61850-6-100 (need a realistic date)6-100 states that n:1 relationship between LNodes and LNs is allowed and supported. No need to change the SCL scheme for this.
Estimated Completion:
End of 2023
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Short Proposal:
Discussed with TF SCL function modelling.
Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:
61850-6-100 (Function modeling)
The Standard requires a one to one mapping between LNode and LN. This creates serious limitations. Examples:
1. Let us assume vendor makes use of GGIO and represent a 32 bit BI/O Interface Card in the IED with the LN BIO32GGIO1. Now in my Substation section I define two Functions with Fun1/BIOGGIO1, Fun2/BIOGGIO2. Fun1 and Fun2 are two very different functions, but I have only one BIO card in my IED. Now I would like to map the LNode Fun1/BIOGGIO1 to LN BIO32GGIO1 and Fun2/BIOGGIO2 also to LN BIO32GGIO1. Naturally they use distinct Data Attributes.
2. It is easy to find a similar example for MMXU. Power Measurement and Current/ Voltage Measurement can be used in different Functions in the Single Line, but are using the same LN MMXU.
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Mapping LNode DOs to LN DOs when mapping is not direct from doName |
Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo, 03/15/2022 11:08 AM
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Tracker changed from Bug to Improvement
- Subject changed from The Standard requires a one to one mapping between LNode and LN. This creates serious limitations. Examples:
1. Let us assume ve to Limitations of one to one mapping between LNode and LN
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Standard(s) set to IEC 61850-6-100
- WG10 Proposal changed from to be adressed to the 61850-6-100 (need a realistic date)
6-100 states that n:1 relationship between LNodes and LNs is allowed and supported. No need to change the SCL scheme for this.
to to be adressed to the 61850-6-100 (need a realistic date)6-100 states that n:1 relationship between LNodes and LNs is allowed and supported. No need to change the SCL scheme for this.
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting set to Yes
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Estimated Completion changed from Ed 3 to Ed 1
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
- To discuss in WG10 set to No
6-100 does not cover the issue completely. Relation LNode - LN is 1:1, but what it is possible is to map remaining DOs not covered by mapped LN to DOs of other LN.
- Estimated Completion changed from Ed 1 to End of 2023
- Standard(s) changed from IEC 61850-6-100 to IEC 61850-90-30
- Needs More Information set to No
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from No to Yes
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
- Assigned TF 61850-6-100 (Function modeling) added
Solution is incorporated in the 90-30. Mapping is done on DO level (not LN level) which increase flexibility.
- Related to Bug #442: Maping LNode (substation section) to LN (IED section) added
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