IEC61850-7-5 #7129
Autorecloser sequence is inconsistent
FBPCU trips, RREC.AutoRecSt=TripFromProtection,
then RREC.AutoRecSt=FaultDisappeared and XCBR.Pos=open (105ms),
then RREC.AutoRecSt=WaitToComplete and OpCls=true (2ms later),
RREC.AutoRecSt=FaultDisappeared (2ms later),
then RREC.AutoRecSt=WaitToComplete again and Tr=false (110ms later),
then CBclosed OpCls=false and Pos is closed (15ms)
and RREC.AutoRecSt=Sucessfull (less than 1ms).
Updated by Michael Haecker 27 days ago
- TF 7-5 Project document IEC 61850-7-500 added
- TF 7-5 Project document deleted (
Autoreclosure state machine and associated states
Implementations in existing devices do not perform exactly according to the state machine.
Although there is a statement in IEC/TR 61850-7-500 "[LN RREC] describes the states the autoreclosure function may reach, ...", there is the expectation that devices would have to perform in accordance with the state machine.
IEC/TR 61850-7-500 needs to state that this is a suggested state machine or make it mandatory when it becomes a TS.
As per UCAIug IEC 61850 2024 IOP problem report #6961