Issues #7059
typo in test case sGos22 comment
Due date:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
Clause Reference:
61850 Standard:
Triggering Tissue:
Final Decision:
Initial Test Document:
Updated Test Document:
Test Case ID:
Closed Reason:
--Not Set---
Triggering Tissue 2:
Triggering Tissue 3:
In ed2.1 TP1.3 tet csae sGos22, there is a typo
Oringla is
"Configure DUT to subscribe to the normal Ed2 Ind1.ST.stVal and Ind2.ST.stVal as well as FutInd1.ST.stVal and FutInd2.ST.stVal as
well as FutInd1.ST.stVal and FutInd2.ST.stVal"
The "FutInd1.ST.stVal and FutInd2.ST.stVal" is repeated twince
Suggest to remove the second repeat and change to
"onfigure DUT to subscribe to the normal Ed2 Ind1.ST.stVal and Ind2.ST.stVal as well as FutInd1.ST.stVal and FutInd2.ST.stVal"
Updated by IEC 61850 TPWG about 2 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Richard Schimmel
Accepted. Richard to remove duplicated text.