CIM Issues #7007
IEC 61970-600-1 General Requirements clause updates.
IEC 61970-600-1
We have identified an issue in the IEC 61970-600-1 publication. In the General Requirements clause (i.e. specifically GENC12 & GENC13) it states constraint R:452:ALL:NA:exchange: “Optional and required attributes and associations must be imported and exported if they are in the distribution prior to import." However, TP as of CGMES 3.x is now output only profile and it is not required. During some vendor testing TopologicalIsland.description was not included in the exports. We need to file a clarification to ENTSO-E that this should potentially be revisited/clarified.
Note, we should probably double check 456 and CGMES SHACL constraints to see if those need updates as well.
Proposed Solution
Appropriate updates to the templates.
Updated by Svein Olsen 6 months ago
But TP is not part of 452 and therefor not applicable to the rule R: 452 :ALL:NA:exchange: