CIM Issues #7002
BusbarSection SvStatus must be updated in publications
IEC 61970-600-2, IEC 61970-456
We've identified an issue with regards to constraint C:600:SV:SvStatus:SV__4. It reads as follow:
"All state variables shall be instantiated in the SV instance file (distribution) for all energized elements part of a TopologicalIsland independently of the regulating status of the elements (e.g. for a shunt compensator that is not regulating the SvShuntCompensatorSections.sections shall be the same as ShuntCompensator.sections).
All instances shall be representing computed values obtained from a power flow calculation.
For SvPowerFlow instances refer to profile constraint on the SvPowerFlow class."
The way this was done for SvStatus in the current SHACL rule we output this error message:
"SvStatus is not instantiated for a ConductingEquipment connected to a TopologicalNode which is referenced by a TopologicalIsland."
SvStatus is not instantiated for a ConductingEquipment connected to a TopologicalNode which is referenced by a TopologicalIsland. This does NOT make sense for the BusbarSection . See proposed updates to the 456 and 600-2 publications.
Proposed Solution
Update the documentation and the SHACL to refer to all ConductingEquipment with the exception of the BusbarSection. Also update our SHACL at the same time. The reason is that in the SV profile we can only export energized equipment which will mean that the SvStatus will always be in-service for BusbarSection.
The SHACL rules for the CGMES conformity tests must be updated and can be done outside the timing of the document updates.