CIM Issues #6993
Modeling of multiple inverters mapping to PCC
Current PowerElectronicsConnection assumes a single point point of common coupling (PCC) between inverter and grid model.
Issue 1: PV farms are often modeling on grid side by a single equivalent injection, but are composed of multiple strings of inverters that are connected together on AC side. Controls and AssetInfo descriptions need to be applied at individual inverter model for studying volt-var, etc injections into the grid. Need a method to provide equivalencing of output for SSH profile that also provides granular level of detail need for controls modeling.
Issue 2: Most distribution power flow solvers are unable to handle one inverter with multiple DC sources. If the physical equipment contains one inverter with PV + battery + wind on shared DC bus, OpenDSS and other tools will create three inverters with three terminals injecting into the same node. Unclear if this needs to be expressed in CIM, or if this is strictly a model conversion issue.
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- Related to CIM Issues #6357: [GMDM #9] Modeling behind the inverter added
Updated by Alex Anderson 6 months ago
- File Inverter resources McDermott PES-GM.pptx Inverter resources McDermott PES-GM.pptx added
- Subject changed from Modeling of multiple inverters / pcc modeling to Modeling of multiple inverters mapping to PCC
- Description updated (diff)
- CIM Keywords 61970-Production, 61970-Wires added
- CIM Impacted Groups WG13 added
- CIM Impacted Groups deleted (