Issues #6903
sGos20 requires the ICT to accept invalid SCD files due to FC out of tFCEnum
In order to subscribe to a GOOSE, the IED/ICT tool will import the SCD file with the different IEDs acting as publishers and their GOOSE configuration.
Most of the ICTs will check that the SCD file is valid using the XSD file 2007B4 (2007C5 in ed2.2) before using its content.
Adding a new FC in the SCD will make the file invalid according to the 2007B4 or 2007C5 schema due to the "tFCEnum" restriction that force the valid values for the FC to ST,MX,CF,... (limited list of FC names).
To be able to pass this test you are forcing the ICT to accept invalid files according to their schema XSD. I cannot consider that this option should be mandatory for edition 2.1 devices or tools.
Besides, if edition 3 adds new FCs to tFCEnum and a utility/user wants to integrate edition 3 device with existing edition 2.1 devices it will have to fulfil the downgrade rules to generate a Edition 2 SCD file. That means removing the new FCs from the model and the datasets and GOOSE control blocks using this new FCs. (See Annex I SCL - mixed version projects - I.2.1.6 (ed2.1) or I. (ed2.2) - Edition 2 FCs).
I recommend to remove this test case or at least to move it to optional with PIXIT - IED/ICT can import files with new FCs out of the XSD (yes/no)