CIM Issues #6873
Create support for fault and unsolved solution
IEC 61790-456
Today we have a fault model as part of Grid, \\Grid\Base\Faults, but we do not have any 61970-bases profile for exchanging this information. 61968-3 has a XSD based profile for this information. 61970-457 does include the profile SimulationResult (SR), which could be used for ShortCircuit result.
TopologicalNode and TopologicalIsland (including DCTopologicalIsland and DCTopologicalNode) are a specialisation of IdentifiedObject, which make it possible to have them persistent. However, there are no requirement for this. The new classes for StateVariable do not inherit from IdentifiedObject. Today the naming of the TopologicalNode can be made persistent through the use of BusNameMarker. It could be considered to "move" this functionality to TopologicalNode and make the relevant TopologicalNode persistent. This will require that we have a way of creating fault topology – e.g. a line is energized from one of the terminals.
Assume that this is done in today's model by only having one Terminal connected to the TopologicalNode – but it is unclear if applications support this. It makes sense to have a clear way of expressing that we have a fault in the topology.
The use case for the unsolved solution is the scenario where we have multiple islands but for which only a subset was solved for. The above described approach allows us to exchange minimally the solved islands. (Note that the lack of SV should determine that one did not get a solved solution)
State Estimators at times do not solve the case, but still would like to export what has been solved. This is particularly relevant if you have multiple TopologicalIsland-s. Power flow would also have the same needs. As a minimum it should be possible to export all SvInjection. SvPowerFlow might be fully or partly solved without the solution for SvVoltage.
19-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meetings - Minneapolis:
Reviewed. Svein agreed to pick this one up to investigation as part of his work on a proposal for Redmine Issue #6872.
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