CIM Issues #6871
Review the existing TP and SV profiles to determine a more logical split
IEC 61970-456, IEC 61970-450
Both profiles are now considered output of PF (TP no longer an input to business processes). An outstanding issue has been that we don’t know the islands via TP alone without additionally providing SV. Merging these profiles would provide the needed context to determine these islands. We are unaware of any application that would ever need only one or the other of these profiles. Therefore, we need to determine either a more logical split between these profiles or if they are better “merged” together to address the gaps. The main reason for doing this is that the balanced/unbalanced effort that is currently underway provides an excellent opportunity to address this issue concurrently to that work.
Proposed Solution
When performing the merge consider to inverse the direction of the associations between TopologicalIsland and TopologicalNodes and DCTopologicalIsland and DCTopologicalNodes.
18-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hybrid Meeting - Minneapolis:
Reviewed. We agree to make the change in the direction of the association. The TP and SV will be exchanged together. The logic for the TP and SC results is the same.
In Clause 8.4.20 of the 456 standard needs to be updated. Specifically, see attached image. These must be updated at the same time to say "not to output the de-energized topological islands"
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- Breaking Change set to Yes
- Standard(s) changed from IEC 61970-456 to IEC 61970-456, IEC 61970-450
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Updated by Todd Viegut 6 months ago
- File 456-Clause-to-update.png 456-Clause-to-update.png added
- Status changed from Open to In Progress
- Decision updated (diff)