IEC61850-7-5 #6545
Propagation of detailQual
IEC/TR 61850-7-5 Ed.1, clause 5.1.4, specifies that detailQual is not to be propagated. This statement was made having considered a couple of use cases. It is valid for all of these.
Now TC95 WG2 ask to consider the use case of phasors.
Phasors are calculated from sampled values. For the receiver of a phasor measurement is of relevance to know the detail quality provided with sampled values.
TC95 WG2 ask to re-consider the statement of clause 5.1.4 adding an exception for phasor calculation.
Updated by Keith Gray over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
2023/10/25 WG10 Meeting in Kista, Sweden:
Updates to 7-5- 5.1.1 * Change 2nd bullet to "input.q.detailQual is typically not propagated" * Change 3rd bullet to "input.q.source is typically not propagated" * Add a sentence after all bullet points stating "See the following subclauses for detailed explanations."
- 5.1.4 * Change header to "detailQual" (remove "is not propagated")
No further discussion needed, just need to transcribe these updates into the 7-5 document.
Updated by Christophe Ghafari about 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Waiting for Release
Modifications taken into account into the Clause 5.1 of the document.
Link to the document :
Updated by Keith Gray 11 months ago
I have integrated the text into the document in preparation for the 2024/02/29 TF meeting.