CIM Issues #6510
Add an association between MarketEvaluationPoint and MktPSRType
When exchanging master data for an Accounting Point it may be needed to exchange the technology used for the energy production at the Accounting Point, such as hydro, wind or nuclear.
Among others the technology is required when the Metered Data Aggregator (MDA) sends aggregated metered data to the Imbalance Settlement Responsible in the four Nordic countries – in this case the technology is associated to the TimeSeries class. However, since the MDA needs to know the technology of each Accounting Point, to be able to aggregate measured data per type of technology, he must receive master data telling the technology. In the latter case, the technology must be associated with the Accounting Point.
The suggestion is to use the psrType attribute (using the Asset type list) from the MktPSRType class available in CIM and ESMP (EuropeanStyleMarketProfile/IEC62325-351/ESMPClasses). Since the technology in the future is supposed also to be relevant for other types of Metering Points, the suggestion is to associate the MktPSRType class with the MarketEvaluationPoint class.
Proposed Solution
Add an association between MarketEvaluationPoint and MktPSRType. See further the attached file.
The suggestion has been discussed and agreed in European retail SG 2023-05-10.