CIM Issues #6369
Support EVSE by adding new ReadingTypeID and EndDeviceEvent codes
In 61968-9 we mention Electric Vehicle, but didn't try to fully support it. Now, many years later, we find that a new type of equipment has surfaced to supply power to the EV. The EV does the charging, but various types of supply equipment exist. There are different grades of equipment, but one of particular interest is the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The EVSE ensures that the AC supplied to the vehicle is safe to use. It contains a GFCI, it may contain other components including an electric meter. Part 9 seems to be the place to support the EVSE. It brings with it new events and new measurements that can be added to the collection enumerated in Annexes C, D, and E.
Proposed Solution
Proposed Event additions:
ElectricVehicle 58 (or Plug-in Electric Vehicle, PEV) a vehicle that can be plugged into the grid.
EVSE 59 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
ChargingCableTerminal 60 A terminal block which is a component of an EV charging system
GFCI 61 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
Circuit 76 Referring to a circuit as a component of the specified EndDeviceType
Safety 77 A system or subsystem dedicated to assuring user safety
ControlPilot 380 A conductor in a cable that indicates permission to operate
Detection 381 Describing the presence or absence of some object or condition
DisallowCharging 382 Related to an equipment mode in which the utility can ask that an EV not be allowed to charge at the present time.
GroundContinuity 383 Related to earth electrical grounding
ReadingTypeID Attributes
70 EV
73 Relay
74 controlProcessor
75 chargingCableBlock
205 Charging
206 ChargingAllowed
207 Opt-out
208 LeakageCurrent
209 Continuity
210 DetectionCircuit
211 Circuit
212 ControlPilotSignal
213 ventilationRequired
Updated by David Haynes almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from EVSE Support to EVSE Support by adding new ReadingTypeID and EndDeviceEvent codes
Updated by David Haynes almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from EVSE Support by adding new ReadingTypeID and EndDeviceEvent codes to Support EVSE by adding new ReadingTypeID and EndDeviceEvent codes
Updated by David Haynes over 1 year ago
In WG14 Meeting #81, Medina MN, Tom Berry suggests that we might want to look at what the DLMS/COSEM folks are doing so that we might minimize rework.